
  • 网络philo
  1. 我认为菲罗很清楚自己在做什么。

    I think Philo knows exactly what she is doing .

  2. 这里的食物不错,菲罗说,此刻我们都打量着房间的四周。

    The food is very good , offers Philo , and we both look around the room .

  3. 或者,像菲罗说的那样,可能“就是采摘自花园”的那种。

    Or , as Philo says , like the kind that might have " come right from the garden " .

  4. 菲罗回避了很多人在设计褶皱时存在的问题――也就是会让臀部显得太臃肿――她采用了轻薄的透明丝绸作为面料。

    Ms. Philo skirted the issue many have with pleats namely , that they can add bulk to the hips by working in airy sheer silks .