
fěi bó
  • humble;poor;shabby;belittle
菲薄 [fěi bó]
  • (1) [shabby;humble]∶微薄

  • 莫嫌菲薄,将就吃个儿当点心罢。--《西游记》

  • (2) [belittle;dispise]∶轻视,瞧不起

  • 不宜妄自菲薄,引喻失义。--诸葛亮《出师表》

菲薄[fěi bó]
  1. 但2D在发现细小骨折、深部结构骨折及骨壁菲薄处的骨折等方面优于3D。

    But 2D image was more accurately in define the tiny fracture and fracture of deep structures , maxillary sinus wall .

  2. 颊部皮肤“以Z”瓣交叉,避免瘢痕直线收缩和组织菲薄的凹陷性畸形。

    The skin of cheek was crossed by Z flap to prevent the scar from shrinking straightly and the thin tissues from depressed deforming .

  3. 结果AAP包含于主动脉及其分支的表面一层菲薄的筋膜层中。

    The AAP located in the thin fascia layer covering the surface of the aorta and its branches .

  4. 结论:对于皮肤菲薄者及多次隆鼻皮肤受损者使用膨体聚四氟乙烯(ePTFE)或固体硅胶-自体真皮复合体隆鼻可取得满意效果。

    Conclusion ePTFE or the composite of silicon implant and dermal autograft is a good choice in augmentation rhinoplasty for patients with thin skin .

  5. 1例因绝经9年、子宫内膜菲薄而未能获取满意声像图,仅显示IUD嵌顿而无法显示IUD片段与宫腔的关系。

    Satisfying imaging was not obtained in one menopausal case because of thinning of endometrium , the imaging only showed incarceration of IUD and not the relation between IUD fragment and uterine cavity .

  6. 方法:对于鼻部皮肤菲薄者使用膨体聚四氟乙烯(ePTFE)或固体硅胶-自体真皮复合体隆鼻,可形成自然外形,增加鼻长度及鼻尖高度,避免皮肤过顶发白甚至假体顶出等并发症。

    Methods ePTFE or the composite of silicon implant and dermal autograft is adopted for patients with thin skin to assure natural outcome , extend the length of nose and heighten the nose tip .

  7. 像许多老年人一样,明妮靠菲薄的养老金独自生活。

    Like many Minnie lived alone and survived on a meager pension .

  8. 女儿只能得到一份菲薄的嫁妆。

    The daughter was to have but a slender provision .

  9. 皮质间质极少,毛细血管丰富,管壁内皮菲薄有孔。

    Interstitial connective tissue was scarce and capillaries were abundant in the cortex .

  10. 我送了些菲薄的东西,做为你的生日礼物。

    I sent a few trifles for your birthday .

  11. 这对夫妻设法以菲薄的收入把孩子抚养成人。

    The couple contrived to bring up their children on a small income .

  12. 我不能说为每月50元的菲薄工资而工作是非常愉快的事。

    I can not say working for $ 50a month is very pleasant .

  13. 上颌菲薄牙槽骨劈开同期人工牙种植的初步观察

    Thin maxillary alveolar ridge splitting with simultaneous implant placement : A preliminary clinical study

  14. 靠菲薄的收入精打细算过日子。

    Contrive to live on a small income .

  15. 殿下,请原谅我献上这般菲薄的礼品。

    Prince , please forgive this shabby present .

  16. 传统铸造的金属桩核可能透过全瓷冠以及菲薄的龈组织而影响全瓷修复体的美学修复效果;

    Conventional cast metal post-and-core may shine through all-ceramic crowns and thin gingival tissue .

  17. 第一类活儿是给人做饭,肯定收入菲薄;

    An income from any work in preparing the first would be too meagre ;

  18. 由于待遇菲薄,那年伦敦雇用得到的临时教师更少了。

    That year there were fewer temporary teachers to plug in London because of low pay .

  19. 目的:探讨鼻部皮肤菲薄者隆鼻术的特点和方法。

    Objective To discuss the characteristics and methods of augmentation rhinoplasty for patients with thin skin .

  20. 夹层法组鼓膜菲薄率为0,内植法组鼓膜菲薄率为242%;

    The rate of thinness was 0 in sandwich method group and 24.2 % in underlay method ;

  21. 低倍镜下见大小不等的囊肿被菲薄的纤维性隔膜分割开。

    This low-power scan of the glass slide nicely illustrates the small and large cysts separated by thin fibrous septa .

  22. 与此同时,更简捷轻便、利润更菲薄的软件解决方案,昂贵而复杂的软件部署正节节败退。

    At the same time , expensive and complex software deployments are quickly losing ground to lighter , far less lucrative models .

  23. 脑膜是由三层菲薄而致密的膜&硬脑膜、蛛网膜、软膜以及膜间腔隙组成的复杂结构。

    Functional investigation in neuroscience has generally been predicated on the assumption that the brain parenchyma is structurally and functionally separated from meninges .

  24. 文章对我国农村社区的发展进行了一些分析与几点思考,并借鉴国外的一些成功经验,希望能对我国农村社区的建设略尽菲薄之力。

    This paper offers some suggestions to the development of the rural community in China by introducing the successful experiences of the developed countries .

  25. 结果单发囊肿1例,多发或(和)多房囊肿4例,囊壁菲薄、光滑,均有分隔,囊内密度均匀,其中3例囊内见肠系膜血管。

    All had thin smooth wall and homogeneous density , and mesenteric vessels were seen in the cysts in three of the five cases .

  26. 颈外静脉壁菲薄,含有瓣膜,肌层仅1~2层。

    The EJV had valvulae , its wall was thin , only 1 ~ 2 layers of smooth muscle were contained in its medium .

  27. 磨削骨半规管透过菲薄的骨质显示暗蓝色的膜半规管即为“蓝线”。

    The bony semicircular canal was drilled until it was so thin that the membranous canal was visible as blue color , called blue line .

  28. 阻挠更多男性进入教育行业的一大障碍是中国教师菲薄的薪资(和世界上其他地方相同)。

    A major obstacle to luring more men into teaching are the modest wages paid to educators in China ( as elsewhere in the world ) .

  29. 如果你在约会中察觉到一些消极的肢体语言,不要暗自菲薄,悲观地以为进展不顺。

    If you think that you are noticing some negative body language from your date , don 't psych yourself out that it 's not going well .

  30. 结果对于有感染并发症或鼻尖部组织菲薄者,假体取出3个月后再次隆鼻手术。

    Results : For patients with infections or extremely thin covering tissue of the nose tip , secondary augmentation rhinoplasty was performed 3 months after removal of prosthetics .