
fēi lì pǔ sī qū xiàn
  • the Phillips curve
菲利普斯曲线[fēi lì pǔ sī qū xiàn]
  1. 在衰退的环境下提出(适度)通胀,并非重新听命于菲利普斯曲线(phillipscurve,描绘失业率与通胀率之间的反向变动关系)。

    Suggesting inflation in a recession is not to hark back to the Phillips curve , which depicts an inverse relation between unemployment and inflation rates .

  2. 菲利普斯曲线与中国经济分析

    The Phillips Curve and an Analysis of China 's Economy

  3. 采用马尔可夫体制变化模型(Markov-switchingmodel),对我国的产出&物价菲利普斯曲线进行估计。

    A Output-Inflation Phillips Curve is tested by applying a two-state Markov-Switching Model .

  4. 二战后,实用统计学家和经济学家们注意到,失业与通胀之间存在着一种稳定的关系就业水平越高,价格上涨越快,这就是著名的菲利普斯曲线(Phillipscurve)。

    After the second world war , practical statisticians and economists noticed a stable relationship between unemployment and inflation – more jobs were accompanied by faster price rises – and this became known as the Phillips curve .

  5. 我们可以系统性地浏览经济学理论,推翻学生们所学的所有宝贵原理:诸如解释失业与通胀关系的菲利普斯曲线(Phillipscurve)、效率市场假设、甚至供求曲线的经典X型交叉。

    One can go through economic theory systematically demolishing all the cherished principles that students learn : the Phillips curve relating unemployment and inflation , the efficient market hypothesis , even the classic X-shaped intersections of supply and demand curves .

  6. 本文基于可变参数的假设,构建包含自然失业率变动过程和菲利普斯曲线关系的状态空间模型,应用Kalman滤波方法,估算出了1992&2004年随时间变动的自然失业率曲线。

    Our state-space model is constructed with a variable parameter hypothesis which contains the course of the natural rate of unemployment changes and the Phillips curve . The time-variant curve of the natural rate of unemployment during 1992 & 2004 is estimated with Kalman Filtering .

  7. 模型由商品和服务市场、劳动力市场以及货币市场构成,并以传统的IS-LM理论为框架,价格变量通过预期的菲利普斯曲线被内生化。

    This model consists of goods market , labor market and money market . The frame of the model is IS-LM theory and price is endogenous by expectations-augmented Phillips Curve .

  8. 新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线(NKPC)是当前评价货币政策和经济周期分析的主流模型之一。

    The new Keynesian Philips curve ( NKPC ) is one of the mainstreams models for the current evaluation of monetary policy and economic cycle analysis .

  9. 因此,本文在国外通货膨胀预测已有研究的基础上,结合菲利普斯曲线理论,选取适合我国通货膨胀预测的新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线模型(NKPC)。

    So based on the previous research of foreign countries which is concerning inflation forecasts , and combined with the Phillips curve theory , the paper select the New Keynesian Phillips Curve model ( NKPC ) suiting our country .

  10. 论中国菲利普斯曲线与经济周期阶段

    Analysis of Phillips Curve and Phases of Business Cycle in China

  11. 中国菲利普斯曲线的理论分析和实证研究

    Theoretic Analysis and Positive Investigation on Philip 's Curve in China

  12. 经济转型与下岗:菲利普斯曲线分析

    Transition Economy and " Layoffs ": Analysis of Phillips Curve

  13. 用中国的菲利普斯曲线看适度从紧的宏观调控目标

    The Moderately Tight Macro Controlling Goal Seen from the Chinese Philips Curve

  14. 同时,通货膨胀的持久性特征使菲利普斯曲线随时间发生位移。

    Meanwhile , the durability of inflation makes the Phillips curve move .

  15. 由此,学术界开始了对菲利普斯曲线的非线性作用机制的讨论。

    Thus , academics began a discussion on non-linear Phillips curve mechanism .

  16. 菲利普斯曲线与中国通货膨胀动态拟合

    Phillips Curves and the Prediction of China 's Inflation Dynamics

  17. 菲利普斯曲线主要描述通货膨胀率和失业率之间的反向相关关系。

    Phillips curve describe the reverse relationship between the inflation and unemployment rates .

  18. 预期增广的菲利普斯曲线及其对中国适用性检验

    The Expectations-augmented Phillips Curve Model and a Test on Its Application in China

  19. 传统的菲利普斯曲线为政府决策提出了一个菜单选择。

    The traditional Phillips curve put forward a menu selection for government decision-making .

  20. 菲利普斯曲线的形变及其政策借鉴

    Form change of philips curve and policy importing

  21. 菲利普斯曲线认为失业和通货膨胀之间的存在线性关系。

    Generally speaking , the Philips Curve tells the linearity between inflation and unemployment .

  22. 然而与许多经济学问题一样,至今仍未出现毫无争议的理论模型,围绕菲利普斯曲线的实证研究方兴未艾。

    As with many economic problems , any undisputed theoretical model has yet appeared .

  23. 对我国经济运行中的菲利普斯曲线关系和通胀预期的实证分析

    Positive Analysis on the philip 's Curve Relation in Chinese Economy and Inflation Expectation

  24. 非对称的价格调整与中国的菲利普斯曲线

    Asymmetric Price Adjustment and China 's Phillips Curve

  25. 菲利普斯曲线中国实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis of Phillips Curve in China

  26. 本文主要检验非对称价格调整所导致的非线性菲利普斯曲线机制。

    This paper tests the non-linear Phillips curve mechanism caused by asymmetric price adjustment .

  27. 中国的菲利普斯曲线分析

    The analysis of China 's Philips Curve

  28. 新菲利普斯曲线解释了低通胀与低失业并存的现象。

    The new Phillips curve shows that low inflation and low unemployment could happen together .

  29. 菲利普斯曲线有其微观经济基础。

    Phillips curve has its microeconomic foundation .

  30. 全球产出缺口与中国的通胀变动:基于扩展的菲利普斯曲线研究

    Global Output Gap and China 's Inflation : An Empirical Study Based on Augmented Philips Curve