  • medicine;drug;remedy;certain chemicals
  • cure with medicine;kill with poison
  • 可以治病的东西:~材。~物。补~。毒~。草~。中~。西~。~剂。~膳。~到病除。良~苦口。

  • 有一定作用的化学物品:火~。炸~。杀虫~。

  • 用药物救治:不可救~。

  • 毒死:~老鼠。

  • 古同“约”,缠。

  • 草名,即“白芷”。


(药物) medicine; drug; remedy:

  • 服药

    take medicine;

  • 假药

    quack medicine;

  • 煎药

    decoct herbal medicine;

  • 麻药


  • 良药

    good medicine; a good remedy;

  • 医生(给我)配了一些药。

    The doctor mixed (me) some medicine.

  • 有什么退热药吗?

    Is there any remedy for fever?

  • 这药已见效了。

    This medicine [remedy] has taken effect.


(某些有化学作用的物质) certain chemicals:

  • 耗子药

    rat poison; ratsbane;

  • 火药


  • 杀虫药



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 药安

    Yao An


[书] (用药治疗) cure with medicine:

  • 不可救药

    incurable; incorrigible


(用药毒死) kill with poison:

  • 药老鼠

    poison rats;

  • 他的狗被药死了。

    His dog has been poisoned to death.

  1. 这种药未达到预期效果。

    The medicine did not achieve the desired effect .

  2. 医生已给我开了治咳嗽的药吃。

    The doctor has given me some medicine to take for my cough .

  3. 那些妇女得到了促进卵巢功能的生育药。

    The women were given fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries .

  4. 用涂药器把药膏抹在感染部位。

    Use the applicator to apply cream to the affected area .

  5. 这种药须遵医嘱方可使用。

    The drug should only be used under medical supervision .

  6. 我吃了一片药,好放松一下神经。

    I took a pill to help settle my nerves .

  7. 他也许能给你开一些咳嗽药。

    He may be able to prescribe you something for that cough .

  8. 他因使用违禁药被取消比赛资格。

    He was disqualified from the competition for using drugs .

  9. 这种药可能导致病情恶化。

    The drug may cause an aggravation of the condition .

  10. 这药已证实是有效的。

    It has been demonstrated that this drug is effective .

  11. 服用这些药后有点倦意是正常的。

    A little tiredness after taking these drugs is to be expected .

  12. 这种药的轻微毒性反应包括恶心和呕吐。

    Minor toxicities of this drug include nausea and vomiting .

  13. 服用这种药的人说有持续几分钟的亢奋感觉。

    Users of the drug report experiencing a rush that lasts several minutes .

  14. 这种药哮喘病人禁用。

    This drug is contraindicated in patients with asthma .

  15. 她服用了过量的安眠药。

    She took a massive overdose of sleeping pills .

  16. 这种药可能会影响你的注意力集中。

    The drug may affect your powers of concentration .

  17. 这种药能防止病毒复制。

    The drug prevents the virus from replicating itself .

  18. 他试图服安眠药自杀。

    He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills .

  19. 许多流感药不用处方就可以买到。

    Many flu medications are available without a prescription .

  20. 这种药用于降血压。

    This drug is used to lower blood pressure .

  21. 这药能减轻病毒的危害。

    The drug attenuates the effects of the virus .

  22. 这种药不可内服。

    The medicine is not for internal use .

  23. 这种药有些不好的副作用。

    The drug has some bad side effects .

  24. 这种药能使人产生兴奋的感觉。

    The drug produces a feeling of excitement .

  25. 多数病人服了大剂量镇静药。

    Most of the patients are heavily sedated .

  26. 这药显然起作用了。

    The medicine has clearly done its stuff .

  27. 这种新药有可能成为一种救命药。

    The new drug is a potential lifesaver .

  28. 这些药没有处方不能出售。

    They are not available without a prescription .

  29. 收缩血管的药

    a drug that constricts the blood vessels .

  30. 这种药通常称作摇头丸。

    The drug is commonly known as Ecstasy .