
yào xiào
  • Pharmacodynamics;pesticide effect;effect of medicine
药效 [yào xiào]
  • [effect of medicine] 药的效用,功效

药效[yào xiào]
  1. 药效时间长达72小时,是真正上的长效胰岛素。

    That pesticide effect time grows amounts to72 hours , is a really upper long effect insulin .

  2. 摘要用原子吸收分光光度计测定枸杞子中的无机元素的含量,并探讨了其与药效、保健作用的相关关系,为进一步研究其药理作用提供了一定的依据。

    Have used atom to absorb spectral photometer inorganic element contents in determining the fruit of Chinese wolfberry , have discussed whose appearance relation with pesticide effect , the health care effect , have provided the certain basis to the effect studying whose pharmacology further and .

  3. 强效纯可卡因是一种药效极强、容易使人上瘾的可卡因制剂。

    Crack is a highly potent and addictive derivative of cocaine .

  4. 另外还有一种叫DHE的药物,药效也差不多。

    There is another drug called DHE that works in a similar fashion

  5. 这种药药效极强,但会产生不良的副作用。

    The drug is extremely potent , but causes unpleasant side effects .

  6. 反复使用本药,药效也不会减弱。

    The drug 's effect does not tail off after it has been used repeatedly .

  7. 药效开始消退了。

    The effects of the drug began to wear off .

  8. 目的研究利多卡因凝胶的经皮吸收动力学以及药效学。

    Aim To study the cutaneous permeation kinetics and pharmacodynamics of lidocaine gel .

  9. 研究人员给老鼠注射了致命剂量的流感病毒,从而测试合成抗体的药效。

    It was tested on mice , which were given deadly doses of influenza .

  10. 止痛药的药效好几个锺头之仍未消失

    The effect of the painkilling drug didn 't wear off for several hours .

  11. 但是后来,我想它们只是安慰剂(安慰剂:没有任何药效的药)来自电影对白

    But , eventually , I think they were just kind of like placebos .

  12. 两性霉素B缓释系统治疗烟曲霉菌性眼内炎的药效学研究

    An Intravitreal Amphotericin B Drug Delivery System for the Treatment of Experimental Aspergillus Fumigatus Endophthalmitis

  13. 抗HIV药物体外药效学研究关键技术的建立和应用

    Establishment and Application of Key Techniques of the Efficiency Evaluation of Anti-retroviral Agents in Vitro

  14. 24.5%阿维·柴EC防治梨木虱药效试验

    Field Tests of 24.5 % Avermectin-Diesel Oil EC against Psylla chinensis

  15. 25%多·霉威SC防治番茄灰霉病的药效试验

    Control Effect of 25 % Carbendazim-procymidone SC on Grey Mould of Tomato

  16. 目的:以川芎药材中主要药效成分为指标物质,建立一个可以用于评价和控制川芎药材质量的HPLC方法。

    Objective : To establish an HPLC method for evaluating and controlling the quality of Chuanxiong medicine material .

  17. 稳态时药效动力学采用Sigmoid模型描述。

    The pharmacodynamics at steady-state was depicted by Sigmoid model .

  18. 结论可利用正交实验数据对BP网络进行训练,利用训练好的网络对中药药效物质基础的超临界萃取结果进行预测。

    ConclusionOrthogonal experimental results could be used to training BP-NN and the trained BP-NN could forecast the extraction results of active components in Chinese herb medicines .

  19. 目的为脑胶质瘤的基础理论、临床治疗和药效学研究提供简便、经济、实用的大鼠C6脑胶质瘤动物实验模型。

    Objective To establish an easy , economical , practical rat C6 glioma model .

  20. BM(210955)抗骨吸收细胞药效与作用机制

    Inhibitory Effect and Cell Mechanism of BM_ ( 210955 ) on Bone Resorption

  21. 结论1.雷公藤多苷治疗剂量可以减轻AA大鼠踝关节肿胀程度,发挥其药效作用。

    TWP of low dose could play the role of treatment through relieving the degree of ankle swelling in AA rats .

  22. 顺铂和依托泊苷对人肺癌细胞株PAa、PG的药效动力学

    Study the Pharmacodynamics of the Cisplatin and Etoposide to Human Lung Cancer Cell Line PAa and PG

  23. CHC治疗慢性乙型肝炎的药效及机理研究

    The Mechanism and the Treatment Effect of CHC on Chronic Hepatitis B

  24. 而施用2.5%溴氰菊酯2000倍液10d后的死亡率为72.7%,20d后药效明显下降;

    The mortality of 1:2000 deltamethrin is 72.7 % after 10d .

  25. 受试者两组间药效学指标波动范围t检验MAP、HR之间无显著性差异(P>0.05),SV、TPR具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in the wave range of pharmacodynamics indexes of MAP and HR , but there was significant difference of SV and TPR between two groups through t test .

  26. [结论]对具有治疗BPH作用的荨麻属植物进行深入的药效物质基础及作用机理研究具有重大意义。

    [ Conclusion ] It is very important to study the substantial basis and mechanism of Urtica plants which showed better effects on the treatment of BPH .

  27. 目的:研究氯硝西泮(clonazepam,CZP)对丙戊酸钠(Sodiumvalproate,VPA)的药代动力学及药效学的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the effect of clonazepam ( CZP ) on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic of sodium valproate ( VPA ) .

  28. HIV没有实用的动物模型,体外药效学研究的结果是评价其抗HIV活性、判断其能否进入临床研究的最重要标准。

    Until now , there are no practical HIV infected animal model , and the results gotten from the pharmacodynamics research is the most important criterion , on which a potential drug enter clinical trials is based .

  29. 以小鼠为试验动物,对以全蚕粉为主要成分的降血糖复合物(SPC)的生理作用和药效进行了探讨。

    Using mouse as test animal , physiological action and pharmacodynamics of lowering blood glucose compound ( silkworm powder compound , SPC ) are studied in this article .

  30. 田间药效试验结果表明,用10%吡·灭WP防治棉蚜有良好的防治效果。

    The field efficiency test of the insecticide showed that 10 % Pi-Mie WP solution was safe to crops and could effectively control cotton aphid .