- 名fluorescence yield

Online the primary fluorescence yield of the line of interest in EPMA
The radiative transition rates and the Coster-kronig yields and M-subshell fluorescence yields were used to convert the X-ray production cross sections into M-subshell ionization cross sections .
Due to the high stripping charge-states during heavy ion-atom collisions , the characteristic X-rays will be shifted upward and the X-ray line will be broadened , the fluorescence yields and the intensity ratio of Ka / Kp will be changed , and special X-ray will also produced .
Direct determination of fluorescence quantum yield in dilute dye solution by a laser photothermal deflection method is rePOrted . An experimental verification of the method is carried out for Rhodamine 6G in methanol and advantages of the method over different methods are discussed .
Determination of Absolute Quantum Yield in Dilute dye Solution by Laser Photothermal Deflection Method
Some results of the studies on the properties of BSO crystals are reported , inclu - ding excitation spectrum and fluorescent spectrum , light yield , decay time and radiation hardness .
The optical absorption spectra , luminescence decay time with an ultra short pulsed X-ray excitation , light yield and irradiation damage for 23 mm × 23 mm × 20 mm crystal samples cut from the seed end of as-grown ingots were measured .