
róng guī
  • return in glory
荣归 [róng guī]
  • [return in glory] 载誉而归

荣归[róng guī]
  1. 他发迹还乡,荣归故里。

    He came home a rich man , covered in glory .

  2. Gonzalez被派往伊拉克三次后荣归故里。

    Gonzalez is back home after being deployed to Iraq three times .

  3. 整个NBA休赛期,大家谈论的都是勒布朗·詹姆斯的荣归故里。重回克利夫兰骑士队的他发表声明称,他想弥补当初出走迈阿密热火队给家乡造成的伤害。

    The defining story of the NBA offseason could have been LeBron James 's triumphant return to his home state to heal the hurt of his previous defection .

  4. 此次共有109名中国士兵的遗骸荣归故里,

    This time , remains of 109 Chinese soldiers have been returned ,

  5. 西班牙国家足球队从南非得胜荣归。

    Spain 's triumphant national football team has returned home from South Africa .

  6. 那也是提利昂希望的那种荣归故里。

    It was the kind of homecoming that Tyrion wished for as well .

  7. 哥伦布荣归后,梅毒很快开始传播。

    Syphilis began to spread rapidly after Columbus returned .

  8. “最佳游戏”荣归“帝国时代2∶国王时代”。

    Best Computer Game went to Age of Empires II : Age of Kings .

  9. 他事业成功后荣归故里。

    Having succeeded in his career , he returned in glory to his old home .

  10. 此外,他把撒切尔这个姓氏带到了澳洲,而我又使它荣归故里。

    Plus , he took the Tatchell name to Australia and I bought it back to England .

  11. 盛会结束以后,获胜的运动员戴上由野生橄榄叶编成的花环,荣归故里。

    After the festival , winning athletes wore Olympic wreath of wild olive leaves and went back to their hometown .

  12. 在这类由五岁孩童穿着芭蕾裙在乡村场景中伴舞的学生演出活动中,他明显成了荣归故里的英雄。

    He was clearly the hometown hero in the sort of student show where 5-year-olds toddle around the edges of the village scenes in tutus .

  13. 节日结束后,优胜的运动员荣归故乡。他们头戴野橄榄枝叶编成的奥林匹克花冠,这是希腊人所能赢得的最高荣誉。

    When the festival was over , winning athletes went home wearing the highest honor a Greek could win & the Olympic wreath of wild olive leaves .

  14. (象征着希腊人所能赢得的最高荣誉,荣归故里)古奥运一开始就是一个和平和友谊的象征。鸽子和橄榄枝成为和平的象征。

    The ancient Olympic Games were a symbol of peace and friendship at the beginning . The dove and the olive branch become the symbols of peace .

  15. 索契冬奥会是历史上最为昂贵的一届,斩获金牌的运动员们荣归故里还不到8个月的时间,这座曾经满载荣誉的小镇已经变成了鬼城。

    The scene of the most expensive Olympic Games in history , yet 8 months on and with the athletes long gone , it 's turned from the home of gold medal winning glories to a ghost town .

  16. 会堂里的人听见这话。。。,注意,刚开始时,他们都很高兴,这里是耶稣家乡,他荣归故里,人们惊讶于他的讲道,情绪突然变了。

    When they heard this & Now notice they started out the scene , they 're all happy , he 's the hometown boy , he 's come home , they are amazed at his teaching , the mood changes .