
  • 网络arakawa;Arakawa River
  1. 他的一位名叫荒川的侍从有次参观园神社时,碰巧看到在展示中的图画,事后他在宫殿里谈起此事。

    One of his retainers , named arakawa , during a visit to the temple of gion , happened to see the picture being displayed there ; and he afterwards talked about it at the palace .

  2. 当荒川间近期限刚满,他就听到了果正居士在北野神社的庭园展示那幅著名图画的消息。

    Scarcely had Arakawa completed his term of imprisonment , when news was brought to him that Kwashin koji was exhibiting the famous picture in the grounds of Kitano temple .