
  • 网络British music;Music in the UK;music of United Kingdom
  1. 英国音乐呈现出感伤怀旧、暮气沉沉、行将就木的景象。

    The British music scene is nostalgic , decrepit and moribund .

  2. 这支乐队一如他们刚刚组建时那样是英国音乐界的一支创新力量。

    The band are still as innovative a force in British music as they were when they started

  3. 我对英国音乐媒体不感兴趣。

    I was never too keen on the British music press .

  4. 我想大多数日本音乐家都喜欢英国音乐。

    I think almost all Japanese musicians like UK music .

  5. 我对英国音乐的未来满怀信心。

    I feel confident about the future of British music .

  6. 英国音乐新潮派年轻的监制人之一。

    One of the young producers from the new wave of British music .

  7. 但那样的话,英国音乐输出必然就会衰落。

    But if they do , expect a decline in UK music exports .

  8. 乐器中的音乐史:英国音乐博物馆叙事

    Making Musical History Through Instruments , the Story of Musical Museums in the UK

  9. 所以与高端时装联手只是为了拯救不断走下坡路的英国音乐业?

    So is a high-fashion partnership simply a way to bolster the deflating British music industry ?

  10. 网络音乐销售&英国音乐在线

    Online Music Sales-British Music Online

  11. 裘德·洛获最佳男演员奖,艾米·沃恩豪斯则获最佳英国音乐表演奖。

    The best actor award went to Jude Law and Amy Winehouse won best British music act .

  12. 《战争安魂曲》的创作在英国音乐史上和世界音乐史上有着重要的历史地位。

    War Requiem is of significant importance in the music history of both Great Britain and the world .

  13. 最后,大本钟再次敲响,结束了这场英国音乐时尚和文化的盛宴。

    The finale , which began with Big Ben chiming , paid tribute to UK music , fashion and culture .

  14. 如果我们要把英国音乐推向世界,我们就需要现场真实的表演。

    If we are going to sell British music around the world , we cannot go out without a genuine product .

  15. 2009年11月01日创作了《歌剧魅影》等经典音乐剧的英国音乐大师安德鲁·韦伯患上了前列腺癌。

    2009-11-01 Andrew Lloyd Webber , the composer of famous musical " Phantom of the Opera ", has been diagnosed with prostate cancer .

  16. 根据尼尔森音乐统计,这名24岁的英国音乐明星的专辑《21》销售量达到1千万。

    The 24-year-old British music star 's album " 21 " has sold more than 10 million copies , that 's according to Nielsen SoundScan .

  17. 2011年,英国音乐总体销量连续第七年下滑,伦敦的很多场馆实际上要求演出方付费演出。

    Music sales overall declined for the seventh successive year in 2011 in Britain , and in London many venues actually ask the acts to pay to perform .

  18. 沃尔夫说:“没人知道原因。这就像个迷一样。”迄今所知的是,俱乐部的培训师不是自立门户、创立自卫学校,就是在英国音乐厅的时事讽刺剧上为钱争得不可开交。

    No one knows why , it 's a complete mystery , ' says Mr. Wolf . What is known is that the club 's trainers went on to open their own self-defense schools , or fought for money in British music-hall revues .

  19. 英国的音乐之都伯明翰将展示其精美的艺术珍品。

    Birmingham , the ' UK City of Music ' , will be parading its finest artistic goodies .

  20. 他们成了英国流行音乐界最热门的人物。

    They became the hottest thing on the pop music scene in England .

  21. 她的第二首单曲《ChasingPavements》在英国流行音乐榜上升至第2位并蝉联四周。

    Her second single " Chasing Pavements " peaked at number 2 on the UK Charts and remained there for four weeks .

  22. 昨日,CBS旗下、总部位于英国的音乐社交网站LastFM也表示,部分用户密码遭窃。

    LastFM , a UK-based social network focused on music owned by CBS , also said yesterday some of its users'passwords had been stolen .

  23. 同时,英国舞蹈音乐公司HypnohouseTrax也以磁带形式推出了他们的合集。

    Meanwhile Hypnohouse Trax , a British dance music label , has put out a collection of its own on tape .

  24. 克雷格曾赢得两项MTV欧洲大奖,三项IvorNovello音乐大奖,四项英国黑人音乐奖(MOBOAwards),还得到了12项全英音乐奖(BRITAwards)提名和两项格莱美奖提名。

    Craig has won two MTV Europe Awards , three Ivor Novello Awards and four MOBO Awards and also been nominated for twelve BRIT Awards and two Grammys .

  25. 约瑟夫曾在英国伦敦音乐戏剧学院(LAMDA)接受过正规戏剧训练。

    Joseph received his formal theatrical training at The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art ( LAMDA ) .

  26. 马上会放些17世纪英国民间音乐。

    We 're going to play some17th-century English folk songs out here .

  27. 我们把英国吉他音乐从泥潭中拖了出来。

    We dragged English guitar music out of the gutter .

  28. 这个想法来自于早期接触的悲伤英国流行音乐

    This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music ...

  29. 这次开幕式像一本百科全书展示了英国的音乐历史。

    Much of the show too has been an encyclopedic review of British musical history .

  30. 英国实况音乐论坛主席菲戈尔•夏基对此表示赞同。

    Feargal Sharkey , chair of the UK government 's Live Music Forum , agrees .