
miáo pǔ
  • nursery;nursery garden;bed;seedling nursery;seed plot
苗圃 [miáo pǔ]
  • [nursery;seed plot;seedling nursery] 培育幼株或幼苗的园地

苗圃[miáo pǔ]
  1. 这个有35年历史的花园里有一个苗圃。

    The garden , developed over the past 35 years , includes a nursery .

  2. 你可以在苗圃买到番茄苗。

    You can buy tomato plants at the nursery .

  3. 五月,在苗圃里施上肥。

    In May , mulch the bed with garden compost .

  4. 选系的农艺测定从在苗圃建立的品系测验开始,一般单株得长3&6英尺。

    Agronomic testing of the selections begins in line tests established from the seedling nurseries , usually single row3-6 ft long .

  5. 自我施肥的菜园也可以在苗圃床中种植

    The self fertilizing garden can also be planted in raised beds .

  6. PLC在苗圃节水灌溉中的应用

    The Application of PLC in Nursery Water Saving Irrigation

  7. 本次调查苗圃土壤都为碱性土,pH值在7.5左右;

    Soils in all these 11 nurseries were alkalescent , pH values were around 7.5 ;

  8. 本文介绍了苗圃节水灌溉自动监控系统的工作原理,及PLC在该系统中的应用。

    This article introduces the working elements of automating supervision system in nursery water saving irrigation and the application of PLC in this system .

  9. 苗圃旱地新鲜土培养(FN)。

    Fresh nursery red soil ( FN ) .

  10. 苗圃旱地风干土加水培养(RN);

    Rewetting of air-dried nursery red soil ( RN );

  11. 苗圃区Ci值为0.52,处于0.5&0.69之间,空气含菌量为603个/m~3,环境空气属于清洁区。

    In nursery , Ci is 0.52 , which is between 0.5 and 0.69 . The amount of bacteria is 603 / m3and the environment air clean .

  12. PT型美式自吸泵,适用于厂矿、工地给排水、住宅供水、以及农田、花园、苗圃渔场等。

    PT AMERICAN Type Self-priming pumps are suitable for water supply and sewage transportation in factories , mines , construction sites , irrigation in the fields , gardens and fishing grounds .

  13. 苗圃育苗1a和2a生苗木高生长差别较小,但Msn(密山)种源3a生苗高生长较快。

    The difference of height growth among provenances was minor for 1 and 2-year-old seedlings , but for 3-year-old seedlings , Msn provenance grew faster than other provenances .

  14. 但内布拉斯加州奥马哈市NatureHills苗圃的负责人JeffreyDinslage指出,裸根玫瑰根部不带土壤,因此可以保证运输时重量比较轻。

    But Jeffrey Dinslage , president of Nature Hills Nursery in Omaha , Nebraska , points out that bare-root roses come without soil . So they weigh less to transport .

  15. 你们知道,由于去年每个人好像都对Richardson的苗圃很满意,我们今年再次和他合作。

    As you know , we 're working with Richardson 's Nursery again this year since everyone seemed pleased with the work he did for us last year .

  16. 尽管这些鼠尾草有一部分购自本地,但还有许多较为稀奇的品种是购自FlowersbytheSea,这是位于加州埃尔克(Elk)的一家经营邮购业务的苗圃,可提供大约400个科属和品种的植物。

    Though some of these salvias were bought locally , many of the more unusual varieties were ordered from Flowers by the Sea , a mail-order nursery in Elk , Calif. , that offers about 400 species and varieties .

  17. 沧州市的林木种苗事业迅猛发展,全市现有各类苗圃307处,育苗总面积029万hm2,产苗量达24亿株。

    The tree seedling production in Cangzhou city is developing fast these years . Presently , the city has 307 nurseries , 2 900 hm ~ 2 of seedling area and total seedlings of 0.24 billions .

  18. 在苗圃内进行了2a的重复施肥实验,研究了N、P、K施肥对红松(PinusKoraiensis)和落叶松(Larixgmelinii)苗木各器官养分分配规律和产量的影响。

    The effects of N , P , K fertilization on nutrient distributions of root , stem and leaf for Korean pine ( Pinus koraiensis ) and larch ( Larix gmelinii ) seedlings were studied through 2-year repeat experiment in nursery .

  19. GGR的最适用量为20mg·kg-1,最佳基质为5∶3∶2(苗圃土∶沙子∶锯沫和羊粪)。

    The optimal dosage of GGR was 20 mg · kg - 1 , the optimum substrate was 5:3:2 ( nursery soil : sand : sawdust : sheep manure ) .

  20. 通过桤木根瘤的Frankia菌的纯菌制剂和悬液接种,进行砂培、土培和田间苗圃的幼苗接种试验,均取得较好的接种效益。

    The inoculation experiments of seedlings resulted from sand , soil and nursery cultures were done by means of the pure Frankia preparation and the suspension inoculation , gaining better inoculation benefits .

  21. 在中、幼龄杨树林地、苗圃、单一品种果园等纯林林地(果园),鸟种组成、群体密度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数,与小麦农田生态系统一样,在17种植被类型中较低;

    The species composition , the colony density and Shannon-Wiener indices of the middle-age forest and the younger growth , the nursery and the pure orchards are as lower as wheat fields in seventeen vegetations .

  22. 杨树叶枯病是东北地区苗圃近年来较为流行的主要林木病害之一,由链格孢菌(Alternariaalternata)引起,对该病的防治侧重于使用化学农药。

    Poplar leaf blight caused by Alternaria alternata is one of the important diseases in northeast China which is more epidemic in nursery at present . The prevention and treatment to the blight focused on the use of chemical pesticides .

  23. 通过对在朝阳县十二台苗圃对沙棘种不同催芽程度后播种试验研究表明:在催芽过程中,待有70%~90%芽伸长2~4mm时进行播种,出苗率85%;

    Experiment of sowing after germ accelerating in the nursery of Chaoyang County showed that when germ length of 70 % ~ 90 % of seeds was 2 ~ 4mm , the emergence rate of seedlings was 85 % ;

  24. 玉米地和刺槐苗圃地0-30cm土层土壤速效磷含量变化不显著,而苜蓿地则降低了80%。

    At the soil depth of 0 ~ 30 cm , there was no change in active phosphorus contents of maize field and locust nursery , but soil active phosphorus contents of alfalfa field was decreased by 80 % .

  25. 在0-20cm土层深度,玉米地颗粒有机碳含量增加了143%-167%,而苜蓿地和刺槐苗圃地则仅在0-10cm土层分别增加了217%和550%。

    Particulate organic carbon content in 0 ~ 20 cm soil layer of maize field was increased by 143 % ~ 167 % , and alfalfa field and and locust nursery in 0 ~ 10 cm soil layer by 217 % ~ 550 % , respectively .

  26. 黄杨苗圃除草剂筛选试验

    TESTING Selection Experiment of Chemical Herbicides in Nursery of Chinese Box

  27. 苗圃土壤障碍诊断及其经营

    A diagnosis of soil disturbance and the management recommendations on nursery

  28. 杉木苗圃使用五种化学除草剂对比试验

    Contrast Experiment of Using 5 Chemical Herbicide in Cunninghamia lanceolata Nursery

  29. 林业苗圃化学除草剂应用技术研究

    Study on Applied Technique of Chemical Weed Killer in Forestry Nursery

  30. 否则,苗圃中的树木就不能被淘汰。

    Otherwise , no trees could be discarded in the nursery .