
  • 网络Lake Zurich;Zurich Lake
  1. FIFA高层聚集在环境优雅且能看到阿尔卑斯山和苏黎世湖的五星级酒店BaurauLac召开年会时,十多名瑞士便衣执法人员也出其不意地抵达酒店。

    As leaders of FIFA gathered for their annual meeting , more than a dozen plainclothes Swiss law enforcement officials arrived unannounced at the Baur au Lac hotel , an elegant five-star property with views of the Alps and Lake Zurich .

  2. 林登霍夫是城市的地理(与历史)中心,它是利马特河西岸的一座小山,距河北部的源头苏黎世湖约700米。

    The geographic ( and historic ) center of the city is the Lindeuhof , a small natural hill on the west bank of the Limmat , about 700 meters north of where the river issues from Lake Zurich .

  3. 我在苏黎世湖的桥上。

    Stand on bridge of zurich lake .

  4. 路塞纳湖和苏黎世湖现在都还是游览瑞士阿尔卑斯山的必看景点。

    Both Lake Lucerne and Lake Zurich remain must-sees on any grand tour of the Swiss Alps .

  5. 苏黎世位于利马特河西北部的源头苏黎世湖,距阿尔卑斯山约30公里。

    Zurich is situated where the river Limmat issues from the north-western end of Lake Zurich , about 30 km north of the Alps .