
  • 网络suzhou museum
  1. 苏州博物馆&园林新意和纪念性的二重奏

    Suzhou museum : the duet of new Chinese gardening and monumentality

  2. 传承创新融合&谈苏州博物馆新馆建筑与陈列设计

    Inheritance , Innovation and Integration-Construction and Exhibition Design of New Suzhou Museum

  3. 苏州博物馆新馆与苏州园林的空间比较

    The spatial comparison of Suzhou new museum with Suzhou gardens

  4. 苏州博物馆设计对中国古典园林发展的启示

    Enlightenment of Suzhou Museum Design on the Development of Chinese Classical Garden

  5. 大师封刀贝聿铭与新苏州博物馆

    An Ultimate Masterpiece & Bei Yuming and New Suzhou Museum

  6. 贝聿铭苏州博物馆新馆的空间环境研究

    New Mansion of Museum Space Environment Analyses Suzhou by I.M.Pei

  7. 当代建筑景观设计中的文化传承与创新&解读贝聿铭先生的苏州博物馆新馆设计理念

    Inheritance and Innovation of Culture in Contemporary Architectural Landscape Design

  8. 古典园林在当代景观中的再生&苏州博物馆新馆

    Renewable of Classical Gardens in the Contemporary Landscape Architecture & Su Zhou Museum

  9. 苏州博物馆新馆防水设计

    Waterproofing design for new Suzhou Museum

  10. 文中最后还介绍和分析一些园林窗现代运用的实例,如深圳万科第五园、苏州博物馆等。

    In the final the article also introduces and analyzes examples , such as the Fifth Garden of Shenzhen Wanke and Suzhou Museum .

  11. 传承与融合中的中国现代景观设计手法探析&以苏州博物馆新馆为例

    Investigation and Analysis of Contemporary Chinese Landscape Design Methodology in the Process of Inheritance and Fusion Take New Suzhou Museum as an Example

  12. 该文试结合苏州博物馆新馆庭院景观设计对其进行初步探讨。

    This paper tries to take a preliminary discussion on the thought , basing on the landscape design of the courtyard in New Suzhou Museum .

  13. 第二部分是对贝聿铭先生的创作思想和历程,并以他设计的苏州博物馆新馆为例进行分析,以便我们更深进的理解贝聿铭先生的建筑思想。

    The second part describes the creative thinking and background , and take one of his works-Su Zhou Museum for example to analyze , so that we can easily understand Mr.

  14. 怎样才能设计出兼具民族性和现代性的建筑作品?本文对苏州博物馆新馆从中国现代建筑民族性表达的角度进行剖析,试图探究出一条具有普遍意义的途径。

    How can we design the construction works that both have national and modern character ? The thesis analyzed the New Suzhou Museum from the view of expression in traditional style of the modern architecture .

  15. 苏州博物馆新馆是苏州地标建筑之一,它在设计上的成功,不仅仅是因为它的设计师是贝聿铭先生,而且也是因为它自身的设计具有很好的理念与特色。

    New Suzhou Museum is a landmark in Suzhou , one of the success of its design , not only because it is the designer , Mr. IM Pei , but also because of its own design and characteristics of a good idea .

  16. 苏州博物馆新馆的建筑设计成功的把现代主义风格与传统元素相结合,使一座现代建筑能够既融入苏州古城区的环境,又能从周围的建筑中脱颖而出。

    New Suzhou Museum to the success of the architectural design of modern style and traditional elements combine to make a modern building can both be integrated into the environment of the ancient city of Suzhou , but also stand out from the surrounding buildings .

  17. 对苏州市博物馆群体的构想&兼论历史文化名城的博物馆建设

    Conception of the colony of museums in Suzhou Natural history museum ard paleoenvironment

  18. 苏州革命博物馆半景画厅混响时间及其频率特性的改善

    Improvement of reverberation time and its frequency characteristic in the SEMI-SCENE-PAINTING Hall of Suzhou Revolutionary Museum

  19. 我公司与苏州丝绸博物馆共同参加本次展会,展位位于中国非物质文化遗产单位区域。

    Our company and the Suzhou Silk Museum together participate in this exhibition booth are located in China 's non-material cultural heritage unit area .

  20. 本文以一座历史文化名城为基点,分析研究了苏州市博物馆群体建设中的博物馆学诸问题。

    This artical is on the basis of a famous historical and cultural city , and analyses a series of problems on museology of the museum colony construction in Suzhou .

  21. 古色古香的展位引来了众多参展者的青睐和问询,这也得益于苏州丝绸博物馆的对于我公司产品的技术支持。

    Antique booth attracted a large number of exhibitors of all ages and inquiries , which also benefited from the Suzhou Silk Museum for our company , products , technical support .

  22. 2004年《传承。发展》获第三届“苏州印象”设计展优秀奖(苏州博物馆);

    2004 works " Relay , Development " was awarded of excellent design prize in The Third Suzhou Impression Design Show ( Suzhou Museum );