
  • 网络Sousa;John Philip Sousa;SUSA
  1. 你以为是谁向苏沙推存你?

    Who do you think gave suzer your recommendations ?

  2. 阿根廷射手苏沙为乌甸尼斯射入致胜一球。

    Argentinian striker Roberto Sosa scored Udinese 's winner .

  3. 华里斯先生:可以的。我看到你是在亚苏沙太平洋大学工作。

    Mr. Wallace : Yes . I see you work at Azusa Pacific University .

  4. 谁为《星条旗永不落》作词?他是本杰明•富兰克林,弗朗西斯•斯科特•基,贝琪•罗丝还是约翰•菲利普•苏沙?

    Now , who wrote the words to " The Star-Spangled Banner " : was it Benjamin Franklin , Francis Scott Key , Betsy Ross or john Philip Sousa ?

  5. 人力资源机构人事开发特许协会的大卫·苏沙说,邮件自荐标志着一种不健康的工作环境,在这种环境下,员工会对自己的工作产生恐惧感。

    David D'Souza , of human resources organisation the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development , said ego emailing was a sign of an unhealthy working environment in which employees were ' fearful ' for their jobs .