
  1. 苏制5m提升机支轮开裂的处理

    Handle of the cracking in the bearing wheel on 5 m hoister made in Russia

  2. Sn,Ga对Al-Ti异种合金真空钎焊的影响苏制铝-钛异种金属的微观结构分析


  3. 前苏制215MW汽轮机组DEH改造后调门故障原因分析

    Reason analysis of governing valve trouble after digital electro-hydraulic system reformed of 215 MW turboset made by the former Soviet Union

  4. 苏制200MW机组励磁调节器改造

    Reformation of Excitation Regulator of Soviet-made 200 MW Generator

  5. 苏制200MW机组发电机静子线棒裂纹原因分析

    Cause Analysis on Fracture of Stator Winding Bar of A Former Soviet-made 200 MW Generator

  6. 苏制200MW汽轮机中压缸温差大原因浅析

    The Analysis of the Causes of Big Temperature Difference in Russia-made 200 MW Turbine 's Intermediate Pressure Cylinder

  7. 本文阐述了苏制200MW汽轮发电机组安装及应用运行启动指导装置的原理、功能及效益。

    The paper expounds the principle function and benefit of the moving-starting indicator-set in the Soviet Union made200MW turbo-unit .

  8. 分析了国内首台前苏制800MW汽轮发电机组密封瓦出现的回油量大及瓦温高的原因,提出了密封瓦故障处理的技术措施。

    The reasons of oil returned volume larger and seal bearing liner temperature higher than required for the first 800 MW turbo-generating unit made by former Soviet union in China are analyzed and trouble shooting measure is proposed in the paper .

  9. 通过试验对漳泽发电厂苏制ЕП-670-13.8/545KT型锅炉制粉系统三次风对炉内工况的影响进行了分析,提出了解决问题的方法。

    This article conducts a analysis about the influence of furnace combustion dynamic caused by the tertiary air come from the pulverized coal system of the boiler imported from former USSR ЕП -670-13.8/545KT by means of testing , and puts forward the solution .

  10. 我们曾经想阻止苏制武器得胜。

    We had wanted to prevent a victory of Soviet arms .

  11. 苏制脉冲调节器特性分析及系统应用

    Analysis of characteristics of USSR-MADE impulse-type regulator and its application

  12. 苏制215MW机组汽缸膨胀不畅处理

    Process of Non-smooth Expansion of Soviet 215 MW Unit Casing

  13. 苏制670t/h锅炉防止二次汽调节受热面超温对策

    Preventing Overtemperature of Second Steam Regulating Heat Surface

  14. 苏制670t/h锅炉运行控制对受热面安全性的影响

    Safety Influence Operation and Control of Heat-absorbing Surface of Soviet-made 670 t / h Boiler

  15. 喝茶寒暄过后,大家登上一架苏制安-24型轻运输机。

    After light banter over tea , we boarded a Soviet An-24 light transport aircraft .

  16. 苏制215MW机组高压抗燃油的特点与运行中的问题及对策

    Characteristic Soviet-made of 215 MW Unit High Pressure Burn Resistant Oil and Operating Problems and Situation

  17. 应用重离子束苏制核微孔滤膜除菌除支原体的研究

    An Investigation on Filtering Bacteria and Mycoplasmas Using Nucleopore Membrane Produced by Beam of Heavy lon

  18. 训练的成效明显地体现在前线作战的战士身上,他们全都携带苏制武器。

    Results of the training are strongly evident among front-line fighters all of whom carry Russian weapons .

  19. 前苏制670t/h锅炉增装蒸汽推动系统的探讨

    An Exploration of Installing Steam Run System in the 670t / h Boiler Made in Former Soviet Union

  20. 苏联巨变后的国际形势取消前苏制670t/h锅炉主汽环管经常疏水的探讨

    Discussion on Cancelling the Main Steam Round Tube Constant Drainage of the Former Soviet Union 670t / h Boiler

  21. 前苏制锅炉甲侧排粉机叶轮磨损严重的问题分析及措施

    Analysis of Serious Abrasion of the Impeller of Powder Ejector at A Side of the Boiler Made in Former Soviet Union

  22. 对苏制670t/h锅炉存在的二次汽超温进行热力校核计算,提出改造措施。

    Based on the overtemperature of second steam regulating heat surface in 670t / h boiler , the author gives out a thermal performance calculation and proposes modification measures .

  23. 针对马头发电厂苏制En670/140型锅炉制粉系统出力不足问题,进行了测试、分析、计算。

    For solving the insufficient output problem of coal pulverizing system of An Russian Made Type EII670 / 140 Boiler in Matou power Plant , test , analysis and calculation work was performed .

  24. 并采用模块化的建模技术,建立了苏制500MW超临界压力直流锅炉的实时仿真数学模型。

    In addition , by the use of a modularized model building technique , set up is a mathematical model of real time simulation for a Russian made 500 Mw supercritical pressure once through boiler .

  25. 对苏制15000m3/h制氧机连续两起蓄冷器进水事故的原因进行了分析,并采取相应措施,以防类似事故的重复发生。

    Causes of two water intake accidents of the cold accumulator of 15 000 m 3 / h oxygen making machine made by the former Soviet Union are analyzed , and corresponding measures are used so as to avoid similar accidents .