
  1. 在1990年早期,PLA海军开始建造一艘专用训练舰代替“花园口”号。

    In the early1990s , the PLA Navy began to build a dedicated training ship to replace Huayuankou .

  2. 入驻企业享受大连花园口工业园区优惠政策。

    Enterprises in the park enjoy preferential policies of the park .

  3. 现在我们就在花园口工业区了。

    Now we are in the Huayuankou industrial park .

  4. 黄河花园口事件是中国抗战史上的一件大事。

    The Yellow River Hua-Yuan-Kou Event was important in the history of Chinese Sino-Japanese Warfare .

  5. 长江武汉段和黄河花园口段水体中重金属污染物的急性毒性效应

    Studies on Acute Toxicity Effects of Heavy Metal Pollutants Collected from the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers

  6. 花园口决堤事件具有一定的军事意义,但也造成了巨大的经济损失。

    Although the Garden-entrance-jue-di affair possessed some military significance , it suffered huge losses in economy .

  7. 在焦土抗战政策的贯彻执行中,相继发生了震惊中外的花园口决堤事件和长沙大火事件。

    During the execution of the policy the Garden-entrance-jue-di affair and the Changsha configuration have happened which had surprised home and abroad .

  8. 花园口四季悬浮颗粒物中正构烷烃的总含量在2.53-5.69μg/l之间,碳数分布特征为:春、夏、秋季正构烷烃呈现出双峰型分布,而冬季为单峰型分布。

    Particulate n-alkanes show a bimodal distribution in the spring , summer and autumn , but unimodal distribution in the winter in the middle stream of river .

  9. 这一项研究的结果,将一艘集装箱船“花园口”号改装成航空训练舰,并且它的尾甲板改装成一个直升飞机飞行甲板。

    As a result of this study , a container ship Huayuankou was converted into an aviation training ship , with its aft deck becoming a helicopter flight deck .

  10. 据1992&1999年的水质监测数据,对黄河花园口影响无机氮形态组成的多个因子进行灰色关联度分析。

    Based on the water quality data from 1992 to 1999 , Grey Incidence Analysis is used to analyze factors which may have influence on the speciation of inorganic nitrogen .

  11. 第一,花园口决堤发生在中国人民抵抗日本侵略的过程中,首先是一个抗击外敌入侵的军事行为。

    First , the dykes near the village of Huayuankou were breached to stop the advancing Japanese army , which was a military act of resisting Japanese invasion to the west .

  12. 花园口决堤后,黄河水夺堤而出,形成穿越豫皖苏3省44县的黄泛区,造成十分严重的灾情。

    After the dam burst , water of the Yellow River flooded and created a Yellow River flood area consisting of 44 counties of the 3 provinces of Henan , Anhui and Jiangsu and caused serious disaster .

  13. 由于黄河在其下游河段(花园口-入海口)河床淤积而形成地上悬河,黄河水侧渗补给已成为该地区地下水的重要补给源。

    Since the riverbed is higher than ground , the Yellow River downstream ( Huayuankou-Bo Sea ) became a suspend river , the lateral seepage of Yellow River water has been to be the important recharge sources for this area .

  14. 从整体进行考察,既可认识当时党的农业发展理论的历史局限性,亦有助于理解当前中国农业改革的方针路线。花园口事件发生的历史条件是既定的和难以回避的。

    The analysis of the historical event as a will not only help understand the historical limitations of the Party 's theory at that time on agricultural development but also help comprehend the current general and specific polities of Chinese agricultural reform of today .

  15. 在距小浪底120公里的黄河下游第一个水文站花园口,有数据表明,水深正逐渐增加,证明河床变宽变深了。

    Data recorded by the Huayuankou hydrologic station , which is120km downstream Xiaolangdi and is the first of its kind on the lower reaches of the Yellow river , shows that the depth of water is increasing and the riverbed is becoming wider and deeper .

  16. 花园当中有口井。

    In the middle of it there was a well .