
huā guān
  • corolla;crown;wreath;garland;chaplet
花冠 [huā guān]
  • (1) [corolla]

  • (2) 花瓣的总称,连合者称合瓣,分离者称离瓣

  • (3) 华美的环形头饰

花冠[huā guān]
  1. 雄蕊群着生在联合的花冠上。

    The androecium is borne on the fused corolla .

  2. 接种TMV后烟株花器病毒相对含量由高到低的排列顺序是:花冠,子房,花萼,雄蕊,雌蕊。

    Sequence of TMV relative contents of different organs on plants after inoculated from the highest to the lowest is below : corolla , ovary , calyx , stamen , pistil .

  3. 有人剪掉了我们郁金香的花冠。

    Somebody lopped the heads off our tulips .

  4. 获胜的首领戴上了一顶以树叶做成的花冠。

    The victorious leader was crowned with an ornament of leaves .

  5. 如果你经常将枯死的花冠掐掉,新花就会长出来。

    If you usually pinch back the dead flower heads , new ones will grow .

  6. 芬的头上戴着一顶金灿灿的雏菊花冠。

    Fern had a crown of daisies in her hair .

  7. 那些孩子又把花冠扭了下来

    Those children have been twisting the wreath off again .

  8. 顶部则长有细细的黄色花柱,两个不平整的卷曲突起伸展而出,扎根于花冠筒的上方。

    From the top the slender yellow style rises , pushing two rough curving horns out beyond the flower-tube .

  9. 她的前面是一个大花冠,里面写有各个竞赛分项的名称;后面是一尊放置在柱基上的宙斯半身像。

    In front of her , a great crown , with in the centre a space for putting the name of the sports disciplines .

  10. Elicitor对长春花冠瘿细胞次级代谢的影响

    The effet of elicitors on secondary metabolism of crown gall tissue of C. roseus

  11. 更重要的是,克鲁兹与这个领域最畅销车型&丰田(Toyota)花冠仅有一步之遥。

    What 's more , the Cruze is within striking distance of the segment 's top seller , Toyota 's ( TM ) Corolla .

  12. 而且Auris车型的汽柴版本在美国以外的其它地区有售,这是一款基于Corolla花冠平台的四门三厢式轿车。

    But Toyota sells the Auris just about everywhere else in the world , in both gasoline and diesel versions . It 's a four-door hatchback based on the Corolla platform .

  13. 去年,鲍德温染了一头粉色,穿着落肩的TommyHilfiger,头戴花冠出席Met,陪伴在侧的是第一次出席该盛典的萌德,他穿了深紫色的TommyHilfiger的西服。

    Last year , a pink-haired Baldwin wore a custom off-the-shoulder look by Tommy Hilfiger and flower crown for her Met Moment , standing alongside Mendes , dressed in an eggplant-colored Tommy Hilfiger suit for his first ever Met Gala .

  14. 对花冠、雄蕊、花柱和子房的可溶性蛋白的IEF-SDS双向电泳分析也确定了相应于SDS单向电泳上特异蛋白带的蛋白质斑点。

    IEF SDS two dimensional electrophoresis showed that many of the one dimensional gel bands represented several proteins dots in the2 D and that some of them were unique to an organ type of the flower .

  15. 以花冠GLX-i型轿车所用电动天窗为对象,论述了轿车用典型电动天窗的结构,并对天窗关闭故障、驱动电机故障的维修方法以及限位开关检测、电源继电器检测等进行了介绍。

    With the skylight of COLLAR GLX-I car as the object , the typical structures of car skylights are indicated , and troubleshooting for skylight close failures and drive electric motor failures and detection of stop switches and electric supply relays are introduced .

  16. 美国中部一种多年生紫色单生花冠紫菀。

    Violet-flowered perennial aster of central United States having solitary heads .

  17. 一种广泛分布的具有白色放射状花冠和黄色花盘的臭草。

    Widespread rank-smelling weed having white-rayed flower heads with yellow discs .

  18. 草的花冠是二唇形的。

    Having two lips , as the corollas of the snapdragon .

  19. 花冠由许多单独的分离的花瓣组成。

    Having a corolla composed of many separated or distinct petals .

  20. 花环,花冠用鲜花制成的花环,尤指戴在脖子上的花环

    A garland of flowers , especially one worn around the neck

  21. 一种蓟般花冠,肉质叶子和心可食用。

    A thistle-like flower head with edible fleshy leaves and heart .

  22. 一种长有黑芯兰色扁平放射形花冠的欧洲南部的玻璃菊。

    South European plant having dark-eyed flowers with flat blue rays .

  23. 仲夏草木被编进花冠、摆放到花束里。

    Midsummer herbs are plaited in wreaths and included in bouquets .

  24. 结果表明,花冠大小与染色体倍性密切相关。

    We found that corolla size is highly correlated with ploidy level .

  25. 北美丛生的坚硬紫菀,松散的白色串状花冠。

    Tufted rigid North American perennial with loose clusters of white flowers .

  26. 花冠直径与单果重存在明显的相关关系。

    A significant correlation was found between corolla diameter and fruit weight .

  27. 开有像雏菊般花冠的蓝目菊属植物。

    Any of several plants of the genus arctotis having daisylike flowers .

  28. 加州常绿野生李属植物,多刺革质树叶,白色花冠。

    California evergreen wild plum with spiny leathery leaves and white flowers .

  29. 欧洲灌木,白色或玫瑰红色花冠,黑色浆果。

    European shrub with white or rosy flowers followed by black berries .

  30. 北美多年生草本植物的一个属,艳丽锥形花冠。

    North American perennial herbs with showy cone-shaped flower heads .