
  1. 河水慢慢地在低语的芦草中流动。

    The river is gently flowing among the whispering reeds .

  2. “我崇拜您的广阔无垠。”芦草轻声呢喃。

    " I admire your immensity ," whispers a bulrush .

  3. 博格达山北缘以二叠系芦草沟组湖相油页岩为主要烃源岩。

    The main hydrocarbon source rock in the The northern border of Bogd .

  4. 人以芦草或纤维编结篮子。

    One makes baskets by interlacing reeds or fibers .

  5. 有人说,成功是条河,容易将柔弱的芦草淹没。

    Some say Victory , it is a river , That drowns the tender reed .

  6. 他对铁路公司的痛恨时常叫他气得发抖,活像一根脆弱、枯萎的芦草。

    At times his hatred of the Railroad shook him like a crisp and withered reed .

  7. 海、陆相特征共存使得二叠系芦草沟组沉积环境问题长期以来争论不休,但无定论。

    The argument over the depositional environment of the Permian Lucaogou formation lasts over a long period of time due to its co-existence of marine and continental characteristics .

  8. 目的为了解三塘湖盆地中二叠世芦草沟组发育的一套浊积岩沉积体与油气的关系。

    Aim It is found that there exists turbidite in Lucaogou Formation of middle Permian in Santanghu Basin and it is necessary to clear the relationship between the turbidite and hydrocarbon .