
  1. Koyama用当地的鱼和芥末酱来做寿司和生鱼片。

    Mr. Koyama uses local fish and locally grown wasabi in his sushi and sashimi .

  2. 麻烦把蕃茄酱和芥末酱递给我。

    NO05 , Please pass the ketchup and the mustard .

  3. 混合生菜,橙子,辣鸡块(蜂蜜芥末酱)

    Mixed lettuce , oranges , spicy crunchy chicken strips .

  4. 他爱吃英国的芥末酱,而她却爱吃法国芥末酱。

    He likes English mustard but she prefers French mustards .

  5. 噢!加芥末酱和小萝卜会很美味的。

    Oh , it tastes great with mustard and radish .

  6. 准备好玩猜芥末酱的游戏了吗?

    You ready to move on to the mustard round ?

  7. 请问宗色芥末酱是什么味道?

    Excuse me what does brown mustard taste like ?

  8. 他灵感乍现,以芥末酱装饰这件作品。

    In a burst of inspiration , he garnishes the work with mustard .

  9. 我递给他们番茄酱和芥末酱,他们给了我一切!

    Eg. I gave them ketchup and mustard , and they gave me everything .

  10. 这是您的金枪鱼三明治,芥末酱,调味蕃茄酱和您的咖啡。

    Here are your tuna sandwiches , your mustard , ketchup and your coffee .

  11. 相对的,怀特推荐酸辣芥末酱、海鲜沙司酱和耗油调味的中餐。

    Instead , White suggests hot mustard sauce , hoisin sauce , or oyster sauce .

  12. 你还想再来一加仑芥末酱吗?

    You want another gallon of mustard ?

  13. 我的蛋黄酱和芥末酱呢

    I wanted mayonnaise and mustard .

  14. 芥末酱里剁碎的腌菜。

    Chopped pickles in mustard sauce .

  15. 你需要加番茄酱和芥末酱,我去拿一些调味料和纸巾。

    You 'll need ketchup and mustard with that . I 'll get some condiments and napkins .

  16. 1勺蛋黄酱/蜂蜜/芥末酱/辣酱(可选)

    Slices of white bread 1 spoonful of mayonnaise / honey mustard / chili sauce ( optional )

  17. 还有告诉他把芥末酱滴到衬衫上好让我觉得自己也不算那么傻?

    Then telling him to drop mustard on his shirt , so I 'd feel less like a dork .

  18. 芥末酱做法:鸡汤放在炖锅里烧开。

    Direcions : 1 . For the mustard sauce , bring the stock to the boil in a non-reactive saucepan .

  19. 以已经准备的芥末酱,用醋及植物油稀释,通常添加糖和调味料制成的酱汁。

    Mustard : sauce of prepared mustard thinned with vinegar and vegetable oil , usually with sugar and seasonings added .

  20. 不同的调料会产生不同的口味如果想要真正的西方风味,可以试试蛋黄酱、蜂蜜、芥末酱甚至是花生酱。

    Different toppings can help vary the flavor try mayonnaise , honey mustard , even peanut butter if you want a real taste of the West .

  21. “超级披萨汉堡”的夹心由400克烤牛肉饼做成,配上腌黄瓜、洋葱、一种特殊的肉酱芝士、番茄酱和芥末酱。

    It is made of 400ggrilled beef burger patties with gherkin pickles , onions and a special cheese blend seasoned with meat sauce , ketchup and mustard .

  22. 不同的调料会产生不同的口味——如果想要真正的西方风味,可以试试蛋黄酱、蜂蜜、芥末酱甚至是花生酱。

    Different toppings can help vary the flavor - try mayonnaise , honey mustard , even peanut butter if you want a real taste of the West .

  23. 他们也发现,喜欢特定的产品看起来与基因相关:巧克力,芥末酱,混合动力汽车,科幻电影以及爵士乐。

    They also found that likings for specific products seemed to be genetically related : chocolate , mustard , hybrid cars , science fiction movies , and jazz .

  24. 还要记住,沾太多的芥末酱会把鱼肉的鲜味盖掉。配合鲜奶油和/或太妃酱一起食用的话,味道最佳。

    Also , remember that too much wasabi will mask the delicate flavors of the fish . This is best served with whipped cream and / or toffee sauce .

  25. 这种报警器在检测到烟雾时,喷放出一种称为异硫氰酸烯丙酯的化合物,这种化合物是发恶臭的食物如芥菜、山葵和芥末酱的辛辣味道和气味的原由。

    When it detects smoke , the alarm emits a compound called allyl isothiocyanate , which is responsible for the pungent taste and smell of stinky foods like mustard , horseradish and wasabi .

  26. 从手工按摩的神户牛肉制成,汉堡配上波托贝洛蘑菇和芥末蛋黄酱。

    Made from hand-massaged Kobe beef , the burger is topped with portobello mushrooms and wasabi mayonnaise .

  27. 芥末和番茄酱都是调味品。

    Goulash is seasoned with paprika . mustard and ketchup are condiments .

  28. 汉堡包常和芥末或番茄酱一起吃。

    Hamburgers are often eaten with mustard or ketchup .

  29. 加上芥末,番茄酱还有调料包。

    You know , with the mustard and the ketchup and the relish .

  30. 我们还要带蕃茄酱,芥末,调味酱,诸如此类的东西。

    And we 're bringing the ketchup , mustard , relish all that stuff .