
  • 网络Ava;Eve;Eva;Elva;Alva
  1. 你还记得她吗?那个叫艾娃的女生?

    Do you remember her ? The girl called elva ?

  2. 昨天艾娃在一元店买了2个新的拼图游戏。

    Ava got2 new puzzles yesterday from the dollar store .

  3. 我第一次见到艾娃·周(EvaChow)――“邂逅”可能是更好的词儿――是在2013年洛杉矶郡艺术馆的院子里。

    I first met Eva Chow - encountered would actually be a better term - in 2013 in the courtyard of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art .

  4. 你是艾娃,漂亮的那个,但是听我说。

    Y-you 're Eva , the classy one , but listen .

  5. 艾娃和妈妈长得真像!

    The resemblance between Ava and Mom is amazing !

  6. 艾娃喜欢有一个她可以照顾的人想法。

    Ava likes the idea of having a little person to take care of .

  7. 恩.艾娃知道你在干嘛,对吧?我可不想说

    Well.Hey , Ava knows , right ? I never want to say anything ,

  8. 我卖给这些人力量去保护他们自己,艾娃.我只做这些

    I sell people a means to defend themselves . Ava . That 's all .

  9. 我扶艾娃进门,给她宽衣解带并把她抱上床。

    I helped Iva into the house , undressed her and put her to bed .

  10. 艾娃,这太贵重了。

    Ava , this is too much .

  11. 我不清楚艾娃知道多少..还是装做看不见

    I didn 't know how much Ava really knew .. and how much she ignored .

  12. 当时差不多是1991年(周英华和周天娜是1990年离婚的),艾娃那时候已经是时装界崛起的新星。

    By that time , roughly 1991 ( Michael and Tina divorced in 1990 ) , Eva was an emerging fashion star .

  13. 相比经典传统的风格,小东西会瞬间为服装质感和亮点,看看艾娃。朗格利亚。帕克这件无肩带迷你连衣裙的口袋就知道了。

    They 'll add texture and interest to an otherwise classic look , like the pockets on Eva Longoria Parker 's strapless minidress do .

  14. 婚礼举行前,在田纳西圆舞曲的音乐声中,40岁的托斯和瑞茜的两个孩子――11岁的艾娃和7岁的迪肯举行了传统仪式。

    Toth , 40 , had earlier arrived for the traditional service with her children Ava , 11 , and Deacon , 7 , while the Tennessee Waltz played .