
  • 网络Bill Ackman;Ekman;Ackerman;Ackermann;Eckermann
  1. “惠普现在就是个巨大的乱摊子,”对冲基金投资家比尔•艾克曼称。他最近刚造访过惠普工业园。

    " It 's a big , complicated mess ," said hedge fund investors Bill Ackman , who had recently visited the HP campus .

  2. 还是保罗,艾克曼。

    This is Paul Ekman again .

  3. 艾克曼最终写了一本书讲述她们这群人及她们的友情,取名为《周六晚的孀妇们》(SaturdayNightWidows),已在去年出版。

    Ms. Aikman eventually wrote a book about the women and their friendships ; ' Saturday Night Widows ' came out last year .

  4. 贝姬・艾克曼(BeckyAikman)说,10年前丈夫患癌去世时,她经历了悲痛,后来也适应了丈夫的逝去――不过她的适应方式似乎不像有些人期待的那样。

    When her husband died of cancer 10 years ago , Becky Aikman says she experienced grief and adapted to her loss -- but not in the way some people seemed to expect .

  5. 贝姬&12539;艾克曼(BeckyAikman)说,10年前丈夫患癌去世时,她经历了悲痛,后来也适应了丈夫的逝去――不过她的适应方式似乎不像有些人期待的那样。

    When her husband died of cancer 10 years ago , Becky Aikman says she experienced grief and adapted to her loss & but not in the way some people seemed to expect .

  6. “中国正在基督教化的转变过程中”,艾克曼坚持说。

    " China is in the process of becoming Christianized ", Aikman maintains .

  7. 艾克曼不是一个低三下四的警察畜生。

    Eichmann is not a low police brute .

  8. 在艾克曼的作品中,他给我们指导,怎样做不同面部表情并去区分他们。

    In Ekman 's work , he presents us with instructions on how to make different faces and identify faces .

  9. 艾克曼说:如果你想开心起来,你得成长并做出改变。

    ' If you want to be happy , you have to grow and change , ' Ms. Aikman says .

  10. 大约在丈夫去世一年后,艾克曼觉得是时候开始重建生活了,于是她参加了一个孀妇互助小组聚会。

    About a year after his death , when Ms. Aikman felt it was time to start rebuilding her life , she attended a widows support group meeting .

  11. 作为对脸的简介,我播放保罗,艾克曼的短片,他是伟大的学者,对面部表情很有研究。

    And as an introduction to faces I have a brief film clip from Paul Ekman , who is one of the world 's great scholars in the study of facial expressions .

  12. 搜索机器人的运动模块采用四轮车式平台,在对运动模块进行运动学建模的基础上,通过引入艾克曼约束确定了四轮运动平台的运动学方程。

    The movement module of searching-robots use the four-wheel platform . In movement modules on the basis of kinematic modeling , it determined kinematic equation of the four-wheel movement platform through introducing Ackerman constraint .

  13. 艾克曼发现,区分不同类型微笑的失败出现在历年来很多科学研究中,这可能解释了关于微笑的普遍意义的矛盾研究结果。

    Ekman found that the failure to distinguish between different types of smiles showed up in much scientific research over the years and might explain contradictory findings regarding the universal meaning of the smile .

  14. 事后艾克曼与小组组长谈了谈。她指出,既然这个小组的名称为失去亲人后继续前行,难道我们不能把注意力放在未来或往前看吗?

    Afterward , Ms. Aikman spoke to the leader and , pointing out that the group was called ' Moving Forward After Loss , ' she asked , ' Couldn 't we focus on the future or moving on ?

  15. 在丈夫去世之时,艾克曼是一名新闻记者。她利用自己的新闻技能来发掘出度过悲伤的更好方法,并产生了或许还能写本书的想法。

    Ms. Aikman , a newspaper reporter at the time of her husband 's death , used her journalism skills to research better ways to move through grief , with the idea that she might even write a book .

  16. 事后艾克曼与小组组长谈了谈。她指出,既然这个小组的名称为“失去亲人后继续前行,难道我们不能把注意力放在未来或往前看吗?”后者的回应是,他觉得她不适合该小组,让她以后不要再去了。

    Afterward , Ms. Aikman spoke to the leader and , pointing out that the group was called ' Moving Forward After Loss , ' she asked , ' Couldn 't we focus on the future or moving on ? ' He told her he didn 't think she fit in and asked her not to return .