
Blue is a color symbol with regard to the future and creation .
The Symbolism of Colors in the Great Gatsby
Some employ the symbolic meaning , such as the symbol of animals , vegetables , colors and seasons .
On Different Meanings of Colours and the Reasons Between the East and the West Correlation between transvaginal color doppler sonography features and MVD in endometrial cancer
Describes the Department of costumes , color of Baiyue is a symbol of the nature and content of the three ethnic groups come to Baiyue clothes are advocating green , blue , and black traditions .
The last one studies Hardy how to use color symbol to hint people 's character , and combine positive and negative characters with the color 's symbolic meaning of white-black , which embodies the Hardy 's understanding of color and ingenuity in character 's constitution .
Explored in particular the Department of costumes , color of Baiyue symbolic function analysis of the Department of costumes Baiyue and the development of color variation and value orientation , and its development of the two trends is to strive for the same and requesting differences .
3 , the symbolic meaning of color is different .
Third , as to the Department of Baiyue a symbol of national dress color art issues , we analysed the Department of costumes Baiyue color .
Originally , Easter eggs were painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts .
The color system of south private garden symbolized low-key , nobleness and modesty . In contrast , the color system of north private garden symbolized imperial power , strength and grade .
Wise works in symbolic factors is reflected not only in composition , color is also highly symbolic .
The medicine bags are usually filled with mugwort and calamus , and the bright colors of the thread stand for the family 's good wishes for the younger generation .
In this paper culture differences are discussed and the influence on translation is analyzed from the vocabulary of everyday life , religion , colors , metaphors , and idioms in order to improve translation proficiency .
The symbolize meaning of purple in clothes color applying
Feelings and Meanings of Colour
Color is a symbol and continue develop in the areas of religion , culture , politic and commerce .
Through the color film , lens and a symbol of the three , the analysis of Motion Picture Arts profound meaning behind .
The original color association and symbol of undergraduates are stable , however , the color association and symbol aroused by the main color in websites have richer content than the original ones .
Modern painting artists reproduction of visual experience out of the plastic arts tradition , to have self-expressive elements such as points , lines , surfaces , colors evolve into symbolic notation , which in modern painting is very meaningful .
The expression power of color is shown mainly by the color of symbol , emotion and synesthesia .
The important function and meaning of colors-psychological and folk-custom symbolization were discussed .
Color has cultural significance . People gave different symbol meaning and collected different color in different cultural background .
Cultural differences , such as sensory & mental perception , color preference , symbolic meanings of animals , and even ways of being , result in different cultural implications of idioms in the languages .
The color in the historical development of western oil painting , establish the trait of subjectivity , promoting the symbolic characteristics of the oil painting color , outstanding oil painting color performance characteristics .