
sè cénɡ fēn xī
  • chromatographic analysis
  1. 纸上色层分析和HPLC分析结果都证明,构成蚕茧荧光色的色素种类,雌雄间并不存在显著的差异。

    Both the results of the paper chromatography and HPLC analysis showed that the fluorescence pigment types had no significant difference between male and female .

  2. HDEHP-PVDF柱在萃取色层分析中的应用&Ⅰ.裂变产物系统分离流程的设计原理

    Use of hdehp-pvdf columns in extration chromatography & ⅰ . principles of the sequential separation scheme for fission products analyses

  3. 用底线色层分析跑出新的颜色样本。

    Run the new pigment sample with the base-line chromatography .

  4. 离心加速纸上色层分析钾、铷、铯在磷钼酸铵纸上的层析

    Separations of potassium , rubidium , and caesium with centrifugally accelerated paper chromatography

  5. 气体色层分析(Ⅲ)&含氟化合物的分析

    Gas Chromatography (ⅲ) The Analysis of Fluor - Compounds

  6. 本文研究了纸色层分析中微量金离子的吸附现象;

    The adsorption phenomena of trace ionic gold in paper chromatography were investigated .

  7. 讨论一下气相色层分析能提供什么信息。

    Discussion of what information gas chromatography provides .

  8. 将你的蒸馏结果(温度范围)和气相色层分析结果比较一下。

    Comparison of your distillation results ( temperature ranges ) you 're your chromatographic results .

  9. 无机色层分析法Ⅲ&低级脂族醇类作为纸型层析阴离子的展开剂

    Inorganic Chromatography ⅲ & Lower Aliphatic Alcohols As Developing Agents for Anions on Filter Papers

  10. 纸色层分析在昆虫分类上的应用

    Paper chromatography in insect taxonomy

  11. 气相色层分析法(亦译气相色谱法):色层分析法的一个类型,把一种气体混合物作为动相。

    Gas chromatography ( GC ): Type of chromatography with a gas mixture as the mobile phase .

  12. 它是以流气式位置灵敏正比计数器作为探测器代替了传统的机械扫描式的色层分析装置为其主要特征。

    Its detector is a flow gas position sensitive proportional counter , which replaces the traditional mechanical scanning device .

  13. 纸色层分析法:用滤纸或其它特殊纸张来做固定相位的一种色层分析法。

    Paper chromatography ( PC ): Type of chromatography using filter paper or other special paper as the stationary phase .

  14. 在气相色层分析期间,影响化合物的分离因素有液相的选择,柱温,载气的流速。

    Among the factors that influence the separation of compounds by gas chromatography are selection of liquid phase , column temperature , and flow rate of carrier gas .

  15. 近年来,多孔块体材料在催化、流体分离和色层分析等领域的应用受到广大科研工作者的追捧。

    In the past few years , porous monolithic materials have attracted attention of researchers because of various applications , especially within catalysis , flow separation and chromatography .

  16. 反相分配色层法分析尿中锶-90

    Analysis of strontium-90 in urine by the opposite phase distributive chromatography

  17. 薄层色层在无机分析中的应用Ⅰ.锆、钍、铀、钪和钛的分离及检定

    Application of Thin Layer Chromatography in Inorganic Analysis ⅰ . Separation and Identification of Zirconium , Thorium , Uranium , Scandium , and Titanium