
  • 网络good solvent
  1. MWNTs表面接枝聚合物后,可溶于接枝聚合物的良溶剂中,且接枝程度影响它的溶解稳定性。

    After grafted with polymer , the MWNTs can soluble in the good solvent of the grafted polymer , and the graft level affects its solubility stability .

  2. 因此在PLGA的静电喷射过程中选取良溶剂可以制备圆球状微球,选取劣溶剂可以制备塌球状微球。

    Therefore , in the PLGA electrospray process , good solvent can be adopted when producing the spherical microspheres , and the poor solvent can be utilized to obtain the collapsed microspheres .

  3. K2能表征聚矾铸膜液在凝胶过程中,良溶剂与凝胶介质双向扩散速度之比;

    In the gelation process , the diffusion ratio could be indicated by K_Sbetween good-solvent and gelation medium .

  4. 上述纳米复合材料中,由于PMMA与MMT(OMMT)存在较强的相互作用,部分大分子不能被PMMA良溶剂&丙酮溶解。

    This means that there are strong interactions between PMMA and MMT ( OMMT ) .

  5. 考察了在非良溶剂存在的情况下两种溶液浓度和增比粘度(η8p)的依赖关系,测定了两种溶液中的缠结浓度(Ce)。

    The entanglement concentrations ( Ce ) of the two solutions were measured .

  6. AS溶解在相对不良溶剂,其在TATB表面上的被吸附量大于相对良溶剂中的。

    AS can be more easily adsorbed at the surface of TATB in non-solvent than in good solvents .

  7. 对于良溶剂情况,没有观察到簇状结构的形成,仅仅在大的Bjerrum长度时形成单个球状结构。

    This transition is quite different from that in the good solvent case under which there are not observable clusters and only a globular structure is formed at large Bjerrum length .

  8. 研究发现在聚酰亚胺的良溶剂NMP、DMA中可加入多至50%体积的非溶剂乙二醇醚类,混合溶剂仍能溶解所研究的聚酰亚胺;

    It is observed that a mixed system of a solvent of the polyimide , such as NMP or DMA , and up to 50 volume % of a non solvent , such as an ether derivative of glycol , can still dissolve the polyimide .

  9. 研究了其气敏性能和湿敏性能。结果发现,该杂合材料在其良溶剂蒸气中电阻急剧下降,呈现负蒸气系数现象(NVC);

    The results show that the electric resistance of the hybrid material rapidly decreased in good solvent vapors for grafted polymer on carbon black , presenting a negative vapor coefficient phenomenon ( NVC ), but not in non good solvent vapors .

  10. 甲醇为反应的良溶剂;

    Methyl alcohol was found a suitable solvent for the reaction .

  11. 通过实验也确定了微粒在良溶剂中的分子形态。

    The molecular morphology for PSt-DVB particle in solution was also studied .

  12. 结果表明良溶剂有致孔能力;

    The results show that : Good solvent has the ability of making pore .

  13. 四臂星形聚苯乙烯在良溶剂和0溶剂中分子扩散的光子相关光谱的研究

    Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Study of 4-Arm Star Polystyrene Molecular Diffusion in Good and θ Solvents

  14. 聚砜超滤膜铸膜液中,良溶剂的影响是决定超滤膜的主要因素之一。

    The effect of good solvents on polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane casting solution was one of the determining factors .

  15. 通过测定聚合物溶度参数及透湿性,确定乙醇为良溶剂;

    Ethanol was a good solvent for Eudragit RS by investigating solubility parameter ( 5 ) and water permeability ;

  16. 微球收率随架桥剂用量减少,良溶剂用量增加而增加;并且受到不良溶剂中乳化剂种类的影响。

    The recovery of the microspheres is increased with decreasing the bridging liquid and increasing the good solvent and poor solvent .

  17. 对于两性酚醛树脂,分子量越大,链净电荷数越多,在良溶剂(纯水)中分子链特性粘数越大,链构象越伸展;但同时也增大了分子链对外加无机盐的敏感性。

    The more the molecular weight and charge density , the higher the intrinsic viscosity , and the molecular chain of APR stretches in a much better solvent .

  18. 在良溶剂条件下,长链的聚合度对短链的密度分布影响不大,但能够导致长链向外分子层扩展。

    Additionally , polymerization index of long chains plays an important role in stretching of long chains , but it has little effect on density profiles of short chains .

  19. 在溶度参数接近时,一般弱极性溶剂为良溶剂,中等极性溶剂为微溶溶剂。

    The dissolving abilities of the weakly polar solvents are good to the CPP and ones of the moderately polar solvents are slightly dissolving at the case of the similar solubility parameters .

  20. 本文采用光子相关光谱技术测定了环、线型聚苯乙烯在θ及良溶剂中高分子线团的扩散行为,得到一系列流体力学参数。

    In this paper , photon correlation spectroscopy technique was used to determine the diffusion behavior of macromolecular coil in theta and good solvents on ring and liner-shaped polystyrene . A series of fluid mechanics parameters were obtained .