
  • 网络Benign stimulation;eustress;good arousal
  1. 教师体态语对课堂的良性刺激

    On Positive Stimulation to Classes by Teachers ' Body-language

  2. 结论温柔的穴位经络按摩能给早产儿以良性刺激,促进他们的早期发育。

    Conclusion Soft acupoint and collateral channel massage can give positive stimulus to the premature and promote their early development .

  3. 逐渐降低钬激光的输出功率,可分别引起组织凝固、生物良性刺激,促进组织、细胞代谢及修复等效应。

    The low level laser power is a good stimulator to the growth of biological tissue and the metabolism of cells .

  4. 盛唐时期,由于统治者采取了鼓励手工业的措施,加之社会消费的良性刺激,各种手工业都在不同程度上得到了发展。

    During the period of prosperous Tang Dynasty , owing to the rulers ' measures to encourage the handicraft industry and stimulation by social consumption , the handicraft industries got development in varying degree .

  5. 研究表明:长期从事太极拳运动,可对骨骼肌肉运动系统形成良性刺激,可有效地减少体内骨矿物质的自然丢失,使骨密度多年保持稳定,并有效调节骨钙&血钙之间的动态平衡。

    The results showed that long period Taijiquan exercise could have effective stimulus to skeletal muscles , decrease the loss of bone minerals , keep the bone density stable , and modulate the dynamic balance between bone calcium and serum calcium .

  6. 其具有良性刺激源的特点,既调动机体的潜能,启动机体内源性保护机制,提高机体自身内在的抗病与应变能力,又不造成组织器官的损伤或机体功能代谢障碍等副作用。

    Preventive acupuncture has the characteristic of benign stimulating source , which can mobilize the body potential , start up internal protecting mechanism to improve the ingenerate ability of defending disease and meeting an emergency and will not produce side-effect of tissue 's and organ 's injury or functional decompensate .

  7. 目的探讨良性听觉刺激对新生儿脑氧合代谢和脑血流动力学的影响。

    Objective To study effects of benignant auditory stimulation ( BAS ) on cerebral oxygen metabolism and cerebral hematodynamics in neonates .

  8. 根据教育心理学及心理语言学的研究成果,协作情境不仅能激活教育者自身内在的良性竞争机制,刺激教师教学的创造性,而且能激发学习者的内部动机,增强行为水平。

    Based on the research achievement on pedagogical psychology and psycholinguistics , collaborative context can not only activate the internal competitive scheme within teachers , stimulate the creativity in teaching , but arouse the intrinsic motivation and enhance performance .