
chuán ké
  • hull;skin
船壳[chuán ké]
  1. LCS-2是设计用来近海或沿海水域使用的,有一个主要的船壳和二个船舷壳,它可以使独立号有最大的回转半径。

    Designed to operate in coastal waters , or littorals , LCS-2 has a main hull and two outrigger hulls which give Independence a tight turning radius .

  2. 船壳内力分析的一种实用弹性壳体理论的建议

    Suggestion of a practical theory of elastic shell for hull stress analysis

  3. 想象一下吧,那一个接着一个的海浪汹涌而来,打碎在船壳上;

    Just imagine the seas surging and crashing against the ship ;

  4. 各自在生锈船壳上奋力争取一席之地

    each striving to win a foothold on the rusting hulk .

  5. 数千只珊瑚虫将形成珊瑚丘覆盖住船壳

    Thousands of polyps will form coral heads that encrust its surface .

  6. 用于加固船壳或机身的纵向构件。

    A longitudinal member to strengthen a fuselage or hull .

  7. 因为这样的话,两层船壳互相抗衡,熬不了多久船身就会断裂。

    The two hulls worked against each other and would soon breakup .

  8. 主要用于高档船舶的船壳、集装箱外壁和火车、汽车的面漆使用。

    For super ship hull , container exteriors , train and car .

  9. (表示船壳形状的)型线他陷入绝望,形同躯壳。

    Mould line The despair left him a mere shell of a man .

  10. 船壳和设备机件的潜在缺陷;

    Latent defects in hull , machinery and equipment ;

  11. 今天要求所有的二水刷船壳。

    All OSs are required to paint hull today .

  12. 每个坐在我这艘船上的人都会觉得安全,因为我有结实的船壳。

    Everyone will feel safe in me because of the strength of my hull .

  13. 简化的舱段船壳模型试验模态分析

    The experimental modal analysis of model of the simplified hull in the cabin section

  14. 减少由湿气浸入船壳而所引起气泡的可能性。

    Reduce the likelihood of blisters caused by moist air saturation of the hull .

  15. 改性高氯化聚乙烯船壳漆的研制

    Developing Modified High Chloride Polyethylene Ship-shell Paint

  16. 船速减缓,又是一声大喝,桨叶便都缩回船壳里面。

    The galley slowed . Another shout . The oars slid back inside the hull .

  17. GB/T6745-1986船壳漆通用技术条件

    General specification of topside paint

  18. 美国船壳险条款学会

    American Institute of Hull Clauses

  19. 海水是一种很强的腐蚀性介质,舰船处于海洋环境中,钢质船壳不可避免地要发生腐蚀。

    Vessels in the seawater , a strong corrosive medium , will inevitably suffer a corrosion problem .

  20. 船壳保险船壳与索具保险

    Insurance of hull and appurtenances

  21. 美国船壳险可扣海损表

    American Hull Form Deductible Average

  22. 主要用于船壳水下部分及压载舱、油舱等部位的防腐漆。

    As anticorrosive paint for hull under water , water ballast tank and crude oil tank , etc.

  23. 第一层船壳至少有五厘米厚,重量是三百九十四点九六吨。

    The first hull has a thickness of no less than five centimeters and weighs 394.96 metric tons .

  24. 盖在钢船壳或木船架上的板子。

    The plates covering the frame of a steel ship and corresponding to the planking of a wooden ship .

  25. 这两层船壳是用钢板制造的,钢的密度与海水密度的比例是十比七至八。

    The two hulls are manufactured from boilerplate steel , whose relative density is 7.8 times that of water .

  26. 有了脚本,船壳、鳍龙骨和艇舵就像三种外观一样可以被设计出来。

    With it , a hull , fin keel and a rudder , as the three surfaces can be designed .

  27. 舭龙骨是安装在船壳舭部外板上的防摇构件。

    Bilge teel is a member installed on the outer surface of bilge plating and used as an anti-rolling device .

  28. 为了研究它的磨损问题,本文先对船壳与土壤中硬磨粒两者间进行了力学状态分析。

    For studying its wear properties ; the author has analysed the mechanical conditions between the hull and hard abrasive in soil .

  29. 用不着害怕船要损毁,因为这只船的双层船壳是刚铁似的坚硬;

    There are no structural deformities to worry about , because the double hull of this boat has the rigidity of iron ;

  30. 采用盐雾和紫外-冷凝室内人工加速老化循环试验的方法,对聚氨酯和丙烯酸两种典型的船壳涂料进行人工加速老化试验。

    The degradation of two coatings systems based on polyurethane and acrylic were studied by exposed in UV-condensation chamber and salt-fog chamber alternately .