
hánɡ hǎi yí qì
  • nautical instrument
  1. 现代航海仪器设备在海事证据收集中的应用

    The application of modern navigational apparatus into the collection of maritime accidental proofs

  2. 我船航海仪器有严重的损失。

    I have major damage to navigational instruments .

  3. 高职高专航海仪器课程教学存在的问题与对策

    Problems Encountered in the Teaching of Navigational Instrument in High Vocational Colleges and Their Countermeasures

  4. 还可以看到在航海仪器制造商人的店门外有一些小小的、木制的海军军官候补生,穿着陈旧过时的海军制服,永远在监视着出租马车。

    and little timber midshipmen in obsolete naval uniforms , eternally employed outside the shop doors of nautical Instrument-makers in taking observations of the hackney carriages .

  5. 阐述船舶信息综合系统的组成、主要功能、技术实现,通过现代通信技术和计算机网络技术处理船舶机舱各个检测点及各种航海仪器数据,实现船舶高度信息化。

    This paper analyzes the components of ship information integrated system and its functions and technology implementation . It uses modern communication technology and computer network technology to process data of Engine-room and navigation instruments to realize high informatization .

  6. 文章分析了高职高专院校航海仪器课程教学中存在的问题,提出了提高该课程教学质量、培养学生对航海仪器操作能力的对策。

    This paper gives an analysis on the teaching of Navigational Instrument in the high vocational colleges , and offers the countermeasures regarding how to improve the teaching and learning effects , raise students ' ability to operate the navigational instrument .

  7. 该系统属国内首次对航海测量仪器与轮机设备的模拟数据进行集控处理,在船舶数据集控领域中具有一定的实际应用价值和推广性。

    It is a national nautical measuring instruments and simulation data of the turbine equipment for the first time to deal with centralized control , has a certain practical value and promotion of the control areas of the ship data .

  8. 随着世界经济的发展,航运业也迎来了发展机会,人们对于航海通信设备仪器的要求也相应提高。

    With the development of worldwide economy , the shipping gets its chance too . People accordingly ask for higher quality of navigation and communication equipments .

  9. 随着电子信息技术的发展,现代航海已经越来越依赖于现代化的航海仪器设备。

    With the development of electronic information technology , modern navigation has already more and more dependent on modern navigation equipment .