
  • 网络Fatal Attraction;Fatal Temptation;Within Temptation
  1. 没,但我看过《致命诱惑》、《着迷》、《我的保镖》、《恐怖角》、《泳池诱惑》。

    No , but I watched " Fatal attraction , " " Obsessed , " " My bodyguard , " " Cape fear , " " Swimfan . "

  2. 简单的修改,真的,可以防止本能变成致命的诱惑。

    Simple fixes , really , to keep basic instincts from turning into fatal attractions .

  3. 温柔,可以杀死一个男人的,对于男人,那是致命的诱惑。

    Gentle , can kill a man , for men , it is a fatal temptation .

  4. 对一个热爱运动的人来说,无论是登山、骑行,还是徒步、漂流,都具有致命的诱惑。

    Hiking , riding or pedestrianism , driftage , could constitute a vi-tal temptation to any sport fans .

  5. 不敢相信我要说这些,因为你是一个男人这辈子能遇到的最致命的诱惑。

    I can 't believe I 'm saying this because you 're the most intoxicating woman a man could ever meet .

  6. 只要人类还有好奇心,那么毫无疑问,各种各样的侦探小说就会继续发挥它致命的诱惑力。

    So long as human beings remain curious , there seems no doubt that the whodunit , in all its various forms , will continue to exert its fatal attraction .