
  • 网络ozone pollution
  1. 另一方面NO3与N2O5和雨滴或气溶胶颗粒物发生的异相反应则是大气中氮氧化合物NOx(NO,NO2)的主要清除过程,从而可以减轻对流层臭氧污染。

    Besides , the heterogeneous reactions of NO_3 and N_2O_5 in aerosol and rainwater are the main scavenging processes of NO_x in atmosphere , alleviating the ozone pollution in troposphere .

  2. 气象因子对近地面臭氧污染影响的研究

    Effects of the Meteorological Factors on the Ozone Pollution near the Ground

  3. 南宁市空气臭氧污染的TAR模型预报研究

    Study on TAR Model in Ozone Prediction of Nanning City

  4. 近地面臭氧污染过程和相关气象因子的分析

    Ozone Pollution Process in the Lower Atmosphere and the Meteorological Factors Concerned

  5. 复印室内臭氧污染调查及其对复印工人神经行为的影响

    The detection of ozone concentration in Copy-rooms and neurobehavioral effect to workers

  6. 室内臭氧污染变化规律研究

    Study on the Changing Laws of Indoor Ozone Contamination

  7. 城市空气臭氧污染业务预报方案研究

    An Operational Ozone Prediction Scheme in Urban Area

  8. 上海市中心城区臭氧污染水平和变化状况

    Spate of Odor Pollution and Its Change in the Center Urban Area of Shanghai

  9. 臭氧污染与陆地生态系统生产力

    Effects of ozone pollution on terrestrial ecosystem productivity

  10. 近几年来,臭氧污染已成为中国东部城市空气污染的突出问题。

    In recent years , ground-level ozone pollution has become a serious problem at eastern cities of China .

  11. 在此基础上对我国今后的研究进行了展望,以期为我国地面臭氧污染的生态环境效应研究起到一定促进作用。

    Recommendations were also given to promote the study on surface ozone pollution and its eco-environmental impacts in future .

  12. 采取以上削减气态污染物的措施,均有利于控制二次颗粒物产生和臭氧污染。

    Above measures to cut the gaseous pollutants are effective means for controlling the production of secondary particles and ozone pollution .

  13. 此外,从研究对象与研究区域两方面分析了研究中存在的不足,指出当前我国地面臭氧污染研究的瓶颈是缺乏全国范围的臭氧监测网络。

    Current researches on surface ozone were insufficient in both study objects and regions , and its bottleneck was lack of nation-wide monitoring network .

  14. 他们同时指出,由于2013年的审核无论如何都要举行,奥巴马的退避的实际结果比臭氧污染还要严重。

    They also argue that , as the2013 review must be held anyway , the net effect of Mr Obama 's retreat is more ozone pollution .

  15. 一旦与挥发性有机化合物结合,氮氧化合物就会在低压闷热天气造成烟雾或地面臭氧污染&导致人类呼吸系统问题。

    When combined with volatile organic compounds , NOx can create smog or ground-level ozone pollution in hot stagnant weather – causing respiratory problems in humans .

  16. 另外,模拟结果还表明,北京市城近郊区的臭氧污染问题具有区域性特征,来自周边地区排放的污染物和生成的臭氧对该地区臭氧浓度水平具有一定的贡献。

    The results also showed that the ozone pollution in Beijing was regional in extent , and the ozone precursors emitted and the ozone formed in the peripheral areas had definite contribution to the level of ozone concentration in the urban and suburban areas of Beijing .

  17. 甲醛和臭氧对污染HBV棉被的消毒效果研究

    Comparison of disinfection effect on hospital quilts polluted by HBV viruses using formalin or ozone

  18. 结论臭氧对污染于被服类物品上的细菌和真菌具有很强的消毒效果,其在医院消毒领域具有良好的应用前景。

    CONCLUSIONS All the results indicate that the ozone disinfector is an excellent device to disinfect the clothes and quilts used in the hospital .

  19. 酸雨和臭氧等大气污染与森林衰退

    Air Pollution of Acid Rain and Ozone , and Forest Declining

  20. 用空气代替臭氧处理微污染水

    Treatment of micro-polluted water by air in place of ozone

  21. 臭氧控制膜污染的作用主要通过臭氧降解造成膜污染的有机物质来实现。

    The mechanism of ozone controlling membrane pollution is mainly realized through organic matter degradation of membrane pollution with ozone .

  22. 随着城市发展、能源结构的转变、城市汽车保有量的迅速增加,上海地区也受到臭氧高浓度污染的威胁。

    With the development of urban , changes in energy structure , and the growth of vehicle number , Shanghai has faced the threat of ozone pollution .

  23. 目的:比较臭氧和甲醛对污染HBV棉被的消毒效果。

    Objective : To compare the disinfection effect on quilts polluted by HBV viruses using ozone or formalin .

  24. 床单位臭氧消毒器用于污染被服消毒的效果评价

    Evaluation on effect of ozone disinfector applied in bed unit clothes disinfection

  25. 臭氧处理混胺污染水的毒性实验

    Toxicity test on mixed amine polluted water after ozonization

  26. 臭氧催化氧化处理污染地下水中有机污染物的实验研究

    The Experiment Study on Treatment of Organic Pollutants in Polluted Groundwater by Catalytic Ozonation

  27. 在饮用水各种深度处理工艺中,臭氧催化氧化除污染技术在水厂有很好的应用前景。

    Among various technologies used for advanced treatment , catalytic ozonation has good application potentials for water purification .

  28. 臭氧引起的室内污染及消毒净化中存在的问题

    Indoor Air Pollution Caused by Ozone Reactions and Problems in Disinfection and Purification by Using Ozone Air Cleaners

  29. 烟草气候斑点病是以臭氧为主的大气污染所致的一种非浸染性叶斑病害,对烟叶的产量和质量都有很大影响,20世纪80年代以来逐渐成为我国烟叶生产的主要病害之一。

    Tobacco weather fleck is a kind of un-infectious diseases of tobacco leaf , which decrease the quality and the yield of tobacco leaf .

  30. 在臭氧氧化处理微污染原水的工艺中,臭氧对有机物的去除效果与水中还原性无机物的含量有关。

    In the ozone oxidation process for micro-polluted raw water treatment , the effects of organic matter oxidation by ozone are related to the reductive inorganic concentration in water .