
  1. 越来越多的B2C零售商开始开放平台,从自营模式向联营模式转变。

    At the same time , more and more B2C retailers also change from merchant model to two-sided platform model .

  2. 与以往的规划模型相比,自营模式下考虑了政府行为的限制,目标考虑的是收益的最大化。

    Compared with the model before , government action effects are taken into account in the first model and the objective is the maximization of profits .

  3. 然而,持续的巨额投资和高成本的自营模式,意味着京东在近期仍不大可能实现盈利。

    However , continued heavy investment and the high cost of its self-operated model mean the company remains unlikely to post a profit in the near term .

  4. 在第三方物流形成的基础上,本文将其发展总结为三种模式:传统储运企业的扩展模式、工商企业的自营模式和邮政部门的转型模式。

    On the foundation of the third-party logistics formation , its development is divided into three kinds of models : traditional storage-conveyance expanding model , industry and business enterprise 's self-management model and postal transformation model .

  5. B2C电子商务企业能取得多大的成功很大程度上依赖于实际物流的操作,B2C电子商务企业必须根据自身情况,正确选择和采用企业自营物流模式或是第三方物流模式。

    B2C E-commerce enterprise can obtain the big success to rely on to a great extent the actual physical distribution operation , B2C E-commerce enterprise must act according to own situation , correctly chooses and uses the enterprise self-management physical distribution pattern perhaps the third party physical distribution pattern .

  6. 分析了传统的自营造林模式的问题和难点,提出了两种新的林浆纸一体化造林模式。

    The problems and difficulties for the traditional self-support forestation model are analyzed and a new model of forestry-pulp-paper integrated forestation is put forward .

  7. 现阶段合资铁路公司同时存在三种模式:传统的站段自营管理模式,事业部制自营管理模式和委托运营管理模式。

    Joint venture railway company at present stage has kinds of modes simultaneously : the traditional stations autonomous management pattern , divisional system proprietary management mode and entrust the operation management mode .

  8. 目前行业广泛熟悉和采用的营销模式主要有代理营销模式和自营营销模式,现有的营销模式落后于医药企业的发展和国家政策的变化。

    Now , widely known and used in industry marketing model are agent marketing model and self-marketing model . The existing pharmaceutical companies marketing model behind the development and changes in national policy .

  9. 首先,介绍中国加油站的发展历程;然后对中美加油站经营模式进行分析与比较;最后分析探讨加油站自有自营经营模式中的管理缺陷。

    First the author introduced the history of Chinese gas station development . Then he compared the Chinese gas station with the American gas station . At last he analyzed the business model defects of self-owned gas station .

  10. 鲁商集团经营的连锁超市面临的问题有:自营配送模式占主导;商品种类多,配送要求高,配送效果较差;统一配送率低,运作难度高等等。

    The chain supermarkets operated by the Business Group of Shandong face some problems : self-dominated distribution model ; variety product and distribution for high , distribution less effective ; uniform distribution rate , difficulty operation and other factors .

  11. 本研究认为大部分中小型企业可以选择将需要专业化物流服务的项目外包并采取和自身联系密切的物流业务自营的混合模式,以做到总成本最低并确保最大的灵活性。

    The research suggests most Small-Medium Enterprises can choose the mixed mode : outsourcing of professional service of logistics and self logistics for self-close logistics business , so that they can make the lowest cost and make sure the maximum flexibility .

  12. 在市场竞争日益激烈、对企业竞争能力的要求日渐提高的环境下,传统的企业内部自营物流运作模式已经无法进一步满足企业对提高物流运作效率、降低物流成本的要求。

    As the competition in the market increasing and the demand for corporate competitive environment rising , the traditional internal " self-logistics " mode of operation has been unable to further meet the requirements of improving efficiency of logistics operations and reducing logistics costs .

  13. 塞恩已在美林强调,他并不是试图复制高盛依赖于自营交易的业务模式,而是要模仿其扁平的管理结构。这种管理结构帮助高盛避开了信贷危机的最严重冲击,因而广受赞誉。

    At Merrill , Mr Thain has stressed he is not trying to recreate Goldman 's business model , with its reliance on proprietary trading , but rather to mimic its flat management structure , which is widely credited with helping Goldman avoid the worst of the credit crisis .