
zì yóu nǚ shén xiàng
  • The Statue of Liberty;Lady Liberty;Statue of Freedom
  1. 布兰德斯顿对照明略知一二,他是照亮自由女神像的人。

    And Brandston knows a thing or two about lighting , being the man who illuminated the Statue of Liberty .

  2. 你们一定要毁掉自由女神像吗?

    You guys had to ruin the Statue Of Liberty ?

  3. n.火把,火炬自由女神像在她的右手里持有火炬。

    torch The Statue of Liberty holds a torch in her right hand .

  4. 紧随自由女神像之后的是巴塞罗那圣家族大教堂,这里备受野心勃勃的Ins摄影师们的青睐。

    Following Lady Liberty , it 's Barcelona 's Sagrada Familia that proves popular among aspiring Instagram photographers .

  5. 从我们纳斯达克的办公室,我可以俯瞰整个纽约港。伫立在港湾的自由女神像(StatueofLiberty)当年曾经欢迎我的祖辈来到这个国家,令我深受启发。

    From our offices at Nasdaq I can look out over New York harbour and be inspired by the Statue of Liberty that welcomed my grandparents to this country .

  6. 在海洋城——这个购物中心很受游客欢迎,入口附近的公园里有一个自由女神像(StatueofLiberty)的小型复制品——游客们可以点击屏幕,向地平提问,比如你来自哪里?

    At Aqua City , which is popular with tourists and where a small replica of the Statue of Liberty stands in a park near the mall entrance , visitors can tap on a screen to ask Chihira questions like Where are you from ?

  7. 对纽约来说是自由女神像(StatueofLiberty),巴黎是埃菲尔铁塔(EiffelTower),里约热内卢有救世主耶稣雕像(ChristtheRedeemer),日本首都东京现在则依靠其新建的高耸入云的晴空塔(Skytree)来吸引游客。

    For New York it 's the Statue of Liberty , for Paris it 's the Eiffel Tower , Rio de Janeiro has the statue of Christ the Redeemer and Tokyo is now banking on its soaring new Skytree to bring in visitors .

  8. 今年57岁的里奇为SullivanCromwell律师事务所的一名合伙人,他拒绝透露他在这处楼顶避世之所上花费了多少资金。从这个花园可欣赏到自由女神像与总督岛的景致。

    Mr. Rich , a 57-year-old partner at the Sullivan Cromwell law firm , declined to say what he spent on his rooftop retreat , which has views of the Statue of Liberty and Governors Island .

  9. 今年57岁的里奇为Sullivan&Cromwell律师事务所的一名合伙人,他拒绝透露他在这处楼顶避世之所上花费了多少资金。从这个花园可欣赏到自由女神像与总督岛的景致。

    Mr. Rich , a 57-year-old partner at the Sullivan & Cromwell law firm , declined to say what he spent on his rooftop retreat , which has views of the Statue of Liberty and Governors Island .

  10. 自由女神像原本被设计成国际共和的象征,但在美国女诗人爱玛拉扎露丝(EmmaLazarus)的诗歌中,它被描述成一座希望灯塔,迄今仍伫立在纽约港,召唤着彼岸“那熙熙攘攘的岸上被遗弃的可怜的人群”。

    In the US Emma Lazarus 's lines , which transformed the Statue of Liberty , originally designed as a symbol of international republicanism , into a beacon of hope for " the wretched refuse of the teeming shore " still face New York harbour .

  11. 自由女神像是一个女人的形象。

    The Statue of Liberty is a figure of a woman .

  12. 我还是第一次知道自由女神像是个女的。

    I never knew the statue of Liberty was a woman .

  13. 而现在沙尘暴正吞噬着自由女神像

    But now the clouds are devouring the Statue of Liberty .

  14. 把这该死的圆线来这该死的自由女神像。

    Take the damn Circle Line to the damn Statue of Liberty .

  15. 在这座国会大厦的圆顶上,伫立着自由女神像。

    Atop the dome of this Capitol stands the Statue of Freedom .

  16. 我们今天参观自由女神像。

    And today we 'll visit the Statue of Liberty .

  17. 它现在是自由女神像国家指定名胜古迹的一部份。

    It is part of the Statue Of Liberty National Monument now .

  18. 经过了25年的风吹雨打,自由女神像酸化并变成了绿色

    It takes 25 years for Liberty to acidize and turn green .

  19. 自由女神像耸立在纽约港。

    The statue of Liberty stands in New York bay .

  20. 太好了!唯一的问题是自由女神像在纽约港的一个岛上。

    The ship is in the harbor of New York .

  21. 是,他们看见过自由女神像。

    Yes , they have seen the Statue of Liberty .

  22. 有去自由女神像的旅行吗?

    Are there any tours of the statue of liberty ?

  23. 放一个假发在自由女神像上。

    To put a wig on the statue of liberty .

  24. 话说回来,自由女神像并不小。

    Again , it is not that Liberty is tiny .

  25. 自由女神像体现了热爱自由的精神。

    The Statue of Liberty embodies the spirit of freedom .

  26. 他下定决心要把自由女神像留在纽约港

    And he 's determined to keep Liberty in New York Harbor .

  27. 自由女神像是来自法国人民的一件礼物。

    The Statue of Liberty was a present from the French people .

  28. 自由女神像很可能是美国最知名的地标。

    The Statue of Liberty is probably America 's most famous landmark .

  29. 雕像,塑像自由女神像耸立在纽约港。

    statue n. The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor .

  30. 自由女神像高高耸立于纽约港。

    The Statue of Liberty towers above the harbour of New York .