
  • 【农】natural season
  1. 开始时我还想到了另外一个解释:在这个城市化发展到极致的岛屿上,自然季节已经淡化,需要一种人为的补偿。

    Another reason , I thought at first , was human compensation for a lack of natural seasons on this ultimate urban island .

  2. 两部小说将事态变迁与自然季节变化紧密结合,使得景物描写与人物情感的矛盾纠葛描写有机融合。

    In the two novels , the evolution of things is combined closely with natural seasonal changes , leading to an organic combination of outside scenery with internal emotional conflicts .

  3. 现从生态学(光周期的生殖效应)、神经内分泌学和分子生物学(褪黑素受体)等领域的研究进展出发,对褪黑素调控绵羊自然季节性生殖的作用及机制进行系统综述。

    This paper , based on the research progress in ecology , neuroendocrinology and molecular biology , reviews the regulative effect and mechanism of melatonin in the natural seasonal reproduction of sheep .

  4. 本文以杭州城区气象台站的观测资料为依据,运用综合气候学方法,将杭州城区划分为11个自然季节和31种天气类型。

    This paper makes a study of the natural seasons and weather types of the urban districts of Hangzhou , according to the meteorological data of Hangzhou Meteorological Station , by using the complex method of climatology and with the temperature and precipitation taken as the indexes .

  5. 应用K均值聚类法对东亚各自然天气季节500毫巴候平均环流的分型试验

    A pattern classification of the mean pentad circulations at 500 MB level over East Asia for each NSS by the method of k-mean cluster analysis

  6. 亚洲自然天气季节的气候学特征

    On the climatological characteristics of the natural synoptic seasons in Asia

  7. 我国自然天气季节性质及其转变标志

    The Characteristics of Natural Synoptic Seasons And The Prognostic Index of the Transformation of Season in China

  8. 对这六个自然天气季节的平均环流状况和天气特征做了分析研究。

    The mean circulations and synoptic features for each of these 6 NSS are analyzed and studied in detail .

  9. 探讨了九孔鲍(Haliotisdiversicolorsuertexta)在北方自然繁殖季节育苗的条件、发育时间和生长速度。

    The natural condition of reproduction , developmental period and growth of larva of the abalone in northern China was studied .

  10. 我想对像我们这样的城市人来说,和自然及季节接触是很重要的。

    I think it 's important for people like us in the city to come into contact with nature and the seasons .

  11. 自然天气季节的划分是天气气候学研究的主要内容之一,对农业生产和中长期天气和气候预测具有十分重要的意义。

    Season division , which has significant sense to agricultural production and the medium-and long-term weather and climate prediction , is one of the most important issues in the study of synoptic climatology .

  12. 大坝使世界上的许多大江大河差不多都变成了水库搭起来的台阶,彻底改变了河流自然的季节流量模式,引起河水的温度和化学成分变化;

    Many great rivers in the world have nearly become steps of reservoirs , changing completely the natural seasonal flow model of the rivers , causing changes in temperature and chemical elements of the river water .

  13. 在前人物候季节划分研究的基础上,提出了划分自然景观季节的物候频率分布型法,并利用北京小西山山前一带物候历中的资料,将当地的物候季节划分为12个季段。

    In this paper the authors advance a new method called Phenological Frequency Distribution Pattern for determining the seasonality of natural landscapes and divide the phenological season in the foot area of the West Hill of Beijing into 12 stages using the data of the local phenological calendar .

  14. 本方案是以统计学方法划分自然天气季节和对每个自然天气季节内的候平均环流型进行分类为基础的,着重点在于强调以认识大气中的物理过程为基础来选择预报因子。

    The scheme is based on the division of Natural Synoptic Season and classification of the circulation patterns for each NSS by statistical methods . The emphasis for this scheme is laid on the selection of predictor variables on the basis of understanding the physical processes in the atmosphere .

  15. 论自然景观的季节节奏

    On the seasonal rhythm of natural landscape

  16. 科学家很久就注意到在大量的自然出生中有季节性的变化。

    Scientists have long noted that there are seasonal variations in the number of natural human births .

  17. 结果表明,微域气候特征在年周期中,与自然气候相比,季节性变化相对稳定;

    The results indicated that variation of microclimate in tea gardens was more steady than nature tea garden in annual growth cycle .

  18. 长城沿线地处干旱半干旱风沙区,生态条件严酷,自然降雨稀少且季节分布不均。

    Along the Great Wall located in an arid and semi-arid regions , the ecological conditionsharsh , natural rainfall scarce and distribution .

  19. 研究结果表明,自然通风在过渡季节能有效改善室内热环境,较好地满足人体热舒适要求。

    The result indicates that the natural ventilation can effectively improve the indoor thermal environment and satisfy the demand of human thermal comfort in transition seasons .

  20. 本文针对目前建筑中在过渡季节存在过热的问题,提出自然通风是过渡季节最经济有效的通风换气方式。

    The author brought forward a ventilation method-natural ventilation , which is the most economical and efficient , to deal with the problems in transition season in modern buildings .

  21. 利用自然正交函数法划分了东亚自然天气季节以后,本文应用K均值聚类法对各个自然天气季节内部的500毫巴候平均环流进行了分型试验,得到了一些有意义的结果。

    After dividing NSS over East Asia by the method of EOF , an attempt of pattern classification of the mean pentad circulations at 500 mb level for each NSS is made by the method of K-mean cluster analysis . Some interesting results have been obtained .

  22. 自然类旅游资源在一定程度上受到气候因素的制约,即自然旅游景观具季节性,适宜参观的时间相对较短。

    Natural tourism resources , to a certain extent are influenced by climate factors . That indicates that the natural landscape is seasonal , appropriate for tourism only within a relatively short period of time .