
zì zhǎn
  • bootstrap
自展[zì zhǎn]
  1. 最后用本文的形式演绎系统统一地讨论了诸如普通编译、自编译、自展结构、宏结构和分层结构的概念。

    Finally , concepts such as ordinary compiling , self-compiling , bootstrap structure , macro structure and hierarchical structure are discussed with the formal deductive system given in this paper .

  2. 用自展模糊电磁系列推导精确的微带电路元件及微带天线CAD公式

    Accurate CAD Formulas of Circuit Components and Antennas in Microstrip from a Bootstrapped Fuzzy EM Series

  3. 自展的意思就是所得到的CAD公式又可以作为模糊起始式用来推导更复杂元件的CAD公式。

    Bootstrapping means that the CAD formula resulted is , in turn , taken as fuzzy formulation leading to the CAD formula of a more complicated component .

  4. 自展式血管内支架治疗Budd-Chiari综合征(附24例报告)

    Budd-Chiari syndrome treated with self-expanding intravascular stent ( report of 24 cases )

  5. 通过自展,可以从简单结构的CAD公式推出较复杂结构的CAD公式,如本文中可以从简单的贴片电容公式出发最终推出较复杂的螺旋电感公式。

    With " bootstrapping ", one can get CAD formulas from simple to more complicated and practical structures , such as from the formula of patch capacitor to that of square spiral inductors .

  6. 构建的NJ树可以很好的显示蓟马的聚类,物种各单元型最初分支自展值均达到100%。

    Thrips individuals are successfully clustered by NJ tree . The bootstrap values of the original divergence among intra-species haplotypes amount to 100 % .

  7. 结果获得了具有很高自展值支持、分辨良好的牡丹组种间关系(GPAT基因)树。

    As a result , a well resolved and highly supported gene tree of sect .

  8. 食管自展型金属网状支架的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Self-expanding Metallic Mesh Stent in Rabbits ′ Esophagus

  9. 自展不锈钢支架在肝门部胆管癌治疗中的应用

    Self expandable stainless steel stents for the treatment hilar cholangiocarcinoma

  10. 今天我已亲自监督发送您自展展览室挑选的产品。

    The models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision .

  11. 下腔静脉自展式内支架的实验研究

    Experimental study of inferior vena caval stent

  12. 首先介绍非参数最近邻自展模型原理并进行改进,提出了非参数扰动最近邻自展模型(简记PNNB),然后将PNNB模型应用于洪水随机模拟。

    Based on shortcoming and virtue of the nonparametric nearest neighbor bootstraping model , a perturbing nearest neighbor bootstraping model has been presented and was applied to the stochastic generation of flood time series at single station and multi stations .