
zì dònɡ ɡuān jī
  • Automatic shutdown;auto stop
  1. 我的手机好像随时自动关机。

    My phone seems to switch itself off randomly .

  2. 本防水型数字温度计经NSF认证,且可自动关机。

    This waterproof digital is NSF certified and has automatic shut-off .

  3. 针对许多用户投诉iPhone自动关机一事,苹果公司已经于日前提出了为故障手机免费更换电池的措施。

    In response to the many consumers who have complained of automatic phone shut-offs , Apple has offered to replace the batteries of faulty phones free of charge .

  4. 苹果之前承认iPhone6S自动关机一事确有发生,但是该公司否认这是一个安全问题。

    Apple confirmed the automatic shut-off issue on iPhone 6S units , but the company denies that it is a security issue .

  5. 随后,苹果公司承认,自动关机的问题只出现在2015年9月到10月份生产的iPhone6S手机上。

    Later , Apple admitted that the problem was only present in iPhone 6S devices that were produced during September and October 2015 .

  6. 三人都抱怨她们的手机有时会自动关机。

    All three complain that their phones sometimes turned themselves off .

  7. 录音结束的时候,机器自动关机。

    The machine shuts off by itself at the end of the recording .

  8. 安全功能包括尖端空气净化器的开关和自动关机功能,以确保安全。

    Safety feature-air purifier includes tip over switch and auto-shut off function to ensure safety .

  9. 显示器有自动关机功能。

    Display with automatic shutdown features .

  10. 控温精确,过热保护,自动关机,有效避免加热甘油时产生有毒气体。

    SAFETY MECHANISM : Generation of harmful vapor from overheated glycerin is prevented by the safety shutdown .

  11. 不过,关闭屏幕或者触发自动关机就可以提供显著的节能优点。

    However , simply blanking a screen or triggering an automatic shutdown can provide substantial power-consumption benefits .

  12. 并设计有自动关机,保护和报警功能。在检定人员进行简单的键盘操作后,整个检定过程实现了全自动化。

    The whole veri - fication process is automatic alter a verifier does simple operation on the keyboard .

  13. 本机设有2小时自动关机功能,自动关机后如需继续工作只需重按开关一次便可。

    This machine has a2 hours auto shutdown function , if need continue to work just press the switch once again .

  14. 当焊咀温度低于警诫线,发热芯或线路板故障时,自诊执行并发出信号提示及后自动关机。

    Self-diagnose executed when tip temperature is below alarm level and heater or circuit board failure , warning signal and power off automatically .

  15. 选择“选择自动关机”这个功能提供使用者开启(开)或关闭(关)自动关机功能。

    Choose " automatic power off ", this function provides the user to open or close the automatic power on or off function .

  16. 充电由微型计算机芯片控制,快速有效,并且充电完成时自动关机功能,防止电池爆炸,安全可靠。

    Charging is controlled by the micro-computer chip , fast and effective ; and when charging is complete , the automatic shutdown feature prevents battery explosion , safe and reliable .

  17. 这方面也将使长链加热器(可选)运作,而复印机是关掉的主要电源开关(例如,在自动关机模式)。

    This connection will also allow the LCT heater ( option ) to operate while the copier is switched off with the main power switch ( for example , in auto off mode ) .

  18. 它还可以利用手机的全球定位系统,在你离家或回家时自动关机或开机,这样当你进门时,家里就能有让你满意的温度。

    It can also automatically turn itself off when you leave and turn back on as you near home - based on your phone 's GPS - so it 's the perfect temperature when you walk in the door .

  19. 但这些家用仪器的安全性又如何呢?预先设置好后,许多仪器会自动关机,但若使用不当、或是不理解操作规程,则对使用者存在一定风险。

    But what about safety ? Many of the devices will turn themselves off if necessary but there is a risk that at-home users may be using their devices in the wrong way , or not understand the instructions .

  20. 控制系统:采用进口电器,具有自动开机自动关机功能,温度PID自动调节控制。

    Control system : adopting imported appliances , with automatic startup automatic shutdown function , temperature automatic regulation PID control .

  21. 自动休眠及关机,省电及延长发热件的寿命。

    Auto sleep and off for power save and prolong heater life .

  22. 具有下班后自动冷却和关机的功能。

    Automatic cooling and then shut down of the system in the evening .

  23. 一种简易的自动开/关机电路设计

    A Simple Automatic Power On / Off Circuit

  24. 关机冷却,工作结束不使用机器,关闭电源开关,机器将自动冷风延时关机。

    When you turn off the power , the machine will delay shut down after the temperature comes down .

  25. 本系统实现的主要功能有:对设备进行遥测、遥信、遥控,自动开、关机,自动生成报表,有故障自动报警等。

    The main functions of this system are as follows : telemetry , telecommand and telecontrol the equipment , automatically switch on and off the equipment , automatically create report forms , giving an alarm when there 's something wrong with the equipment automatically .

  26. 具有自动休眠、自动关机等节电功能;

    Of automatic sleep , automatic shutdown and power saving function ;

  27. 该机还采用了自动升压,自动开机、关机,显示保持等技术,因此操作简单,使用十分方便。

    This instrument adopts the integrated circuit and some other new techniques such as automatic boost , automatic switching on and off of the power and automatic data-holding .

  28. 当病人呼吸暂停10秒钟以上时,刺激器自动开机,使病人苏醒;当病人呼吸恢复以后,刺激器自动关机。

    When it lasts more than 10 seconds for patient 's breath suspension , stimulator will be on automatically in order to revive the patient and off automatically after the patient 's breath is recovered .

  29. 现在,开启连接到网络的系统,系统就会自动刷新BIOS而不需要用户输入,应用正确的BIOS设置,并自动关机。

    Now , by powering on a system connected to the network , it automatically flashes the BIOS without any user input , applies the correct BIOS settings , and powers off again .