
gāo yao
  • plaster;patch;adhesive plaster
膏药 [gāo yào]
  • [adhesive plaster] 在常温下为半固体或固体的膏剂,用以涂在布片或纸片上,较长时间地贴在人身上治病。膏药种类较多,但最常用的是黑膏药,也称铅膏药,由植物油炸取药料成分后与铅丹混合而成

膏药[gāo yao]
  1. 她将膏药贴在他的膀子上。

    She applied the plaster on his shoulder .

  2. 把这膏药每日一次fu贴患处。

    Put a plaster on the sore once a day .

  3. 在宝宝贴膏药的皮肤边缘涂上护肤霜,以防止膏药擦伤皮肤。

    Smear cream on to your baby 's skin at the edges of the plaster to prevent it from rubbing .

  4. 广龙昊膏药对大鼠腰椎间盘突出模型细胞因子IL-1、NO及组织胺的影响

    Influence of " guanglonghao Gao " on il-1 , no and histamine in rat models of lumbar intervertebral disk hernia

  5. Sandesh用不同的中药制作了膏药。

    Sandesh created a paste with different Chinese herbals .

  6. 我用贴膏药的办法来防止患晕动病。

    I use a patch to stop me getting motion sickness .

  7. 膏药测量中双传感器补偿法失效现象的研究

    Research on Compensation Invalidation in Plaster Measurement with Double - sensors

  8. 影响板栗膏药病发生因素的研究

    Study on the Major Factors Relating to Plaster Disease in Chestnut

  9. 将装膏药的内带撕开,从袋内取出金药膏。

    Unrip the inner bag , take out Jing Yao Gao .

  10. 我想抹一些舒缓膏药在她的脸上。

    I wanted to take a soothing poultice to her face .

  11. 黑膏药过敏性试验及去火毒工艺研究

    Black Plaster Allergic Test and Technical Study of Removing Fire Toxin

  12. 前言:目的:为改革传统膏药制备方法。

    Objective : To reform traditional preparation of adhesive plaster .

  13. 影响膏药软化点测定若干因素的探讨

    Some Factors Influencing the Determination of Softening Point of Plaster

  14. 有些人贴尼古丁膏药来帮助自己戒烟。

    Some people wear nicotine patches to help them give up smoking .

  15. 气相色谱法测定镇江膏药中冰片和薄荷脑的含量

    Gas Chromatographic Determination of Menthol and Borneol in Zhenjiang Plaster

  16. 她敷膏药于自己的伤口。虚荣自负是他的致命伤。

    She plastered her wound . Vanity is his Achilles ' heel .

  17. 在伤口上敷上一贴膏药。本品为黄褐色的片状贴膏剂,气芬香。

    This product is yellowish-brown piece of adhesive plaster with aromatic smell .

  18. 板栗膏药病无公害防治技术

    Control Techniques without Pollution of Plaster Disease in Castanea mollissima

  19. 如意金黄散黑膏药透皮吸收示踪研究

    Studies on Percutaneous Absorption of Ruyi Jinhuang San Patcher with Radioisotope Tracer

  20. 我试了很多如霜和膏药

    I 've tried all the creams and the butters ,

  21. 倾盆大雨把他的衬衫像贴膏药一样贴在他身上。

    The downpour plastered his shirt to his body .

  22. 热敷这种膏药,消肿止痛。

    A hot compress with this ointment can reduce swelling and alleviate pain .

  23. 只在关节贴过膏药。

    Just the odd drag of don 's joint .

  24. 这种东西混为一谈,就像膏药,但需要更长的时间才能成立。

    This stuff mixes just like plaster but takes longer to set up .

  25. 那人太阳穴上贴了一块膏药,看上去像个卡通人物。

    The man looks like a cartoon character with a Plasteron his temple .

  26. 膏药激光制孔技术研究木糖醇片剂的研制

    Laser Drilling on Plaster RESEARCH OF TABLET - XYLITOL

  27. 在伤口上敷上一贴膏药。他在伤口敷了一些药膏。

    He applied some ointment to the wound .

  28. 外用黑膏药的临床研究概况

    Survey of the Clinical Application of Black Plaster

  29. 通过10种处理措施对板栗膏药病进行防治试验,结果表明:桐油、凡士林、50倍硫酸铜、10倍碱水、泥浆5种处理防治效果较好,防治效果达到90%以上;

    10 kinds of control treatments against plaster disease in Castanea mollissima were tested .

  30. 花椒膏药病的研究

    Study on the plaster on Chinese prickly ash