
fù zhí jī
  • rectus abdominis;musculus rectus abdominis;straight muscle of abdomen
腹直肌[fù zhí jī]
  1. 腹直肌上皮样平滑肌瘤(交界性)CT表现1例

    CT findings of rectus abdominis epithelioid leiomyoma ( borderline ): report of one case

  2. 采用调查表,运动测试和腹直肌形态CT扫描作手术前后对照。

    Methods We made results by questionaire , examination test and CT scanning of rectus abdominis muscles .

  3. 结果D组AWR评分低及腹直肌放电活动少(P<0.01,与P组相比)。

    Result The AWR scores and EMG counts were lower in group D ( P < 0.01 , versus group P ) .

  4. 目的:建立腹直肌肌电图(EMG)运动单位动作电位(MUAP)各参数正常值。

    Objective : To establish the normative value of motor unit action potentials ( MUAP ) of rectus abdominis muscles .

  5. 而在切取TRAM皮瓣时,保留外侧1/3腹直肌不会导致术后肌肉失神经萎缩。

    Sparing lateral one third of rectus abdominis muscle does not cause denervated atrophy in the rectus abdominis muscle after TRAM breast reconstruction .

  6. 将肋弓下2cm以上的腹直肌前鞘和腹直肌完全保留在皮瓣上可有效保护肋缘动脉。

    Reservation of more than 2 cm pro-theca and rectus abdominis below costal arch at the flag will protect effectively subcostal artery from injury .

  7. 方法:测定109例正常人腹直肌EMG的MUAP的时限、波幅及多相波。

    Methods : The standard EMG was recorded from rectus abdominis muscles including duration , amplitude and percentage of polyphasic waves of MUAP in 109 normative subjects .

  8. ALS组腹直肌肌电图神经源性改变(63/67,94·0%)与下胸段脊旁肌肌电图(57/67,85·1%)的差异无统计学意义;

    There was no difference of EMG changes between rectus abdominis muscle ( 63 / 67 , 94.0 % ) and lower thoracic paraspinal muscle ( 57 / 67 , 85.1 % ) in patients with ALS .

  9. 目的总结漏斗胸及扁平胸施行腹直肌蒂胸骨翻转术(STO-RMP)及胸骨重叠术的治疗经验和体会。

    Objective To review the surgical experience of sternal turnover with rectus muscle pedicle ( STO-RMP ) and sternal overlapping suture in the treatment of funnel chest and flat chest .

  10. 方法对6例足跟、踝后皮肤软组织并跟腱缺损的病例采用带腹直肌前鞘的脐旁皮瓣一期修复,皮瓣面积最大12cm×8cm,最小8cm×4cm。

    Methods 6 cases of defects of heel skin , posterior ankle skin and tendo calcaneus were treated through the grafting of parumbilical skin flaps and vagina musculi recti abdominis . The largest and the smallest areas of transplanted skin flaps were 12cm × 8cm and 8cm × 4cm respectively .

  11. 方法:Ⅰ组:取经腹直肌切口15例。

    Methods : I group : 15 cases of rectus incision .

  12. 右肋缘下切口单纯胆囊切除不切断腹直肌入路

    Cholecystectomy through the right subcostal incision without disconnecting the rectus abdominis

  13. 带腹直肌蒂胸骨翻转术治疗漏斗胸10例疗效分析

    Sternal turnover with pedicle of abdominal rectus muscle for pectus excavatum

  14. 腹直肌游离皮瓣修复颜面部凹陷围术期护理

    Rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous Flap Used for Facial Deformity and Nursing Care

  15. 腹直肌形态与肌内神经分布研究及其临床意义

    The distribution and significance of the intramuscular nerve of rectus abdominis

  16. 带蒂腹直肌瓣膀胱颈悬吊术治疗压力性尿失禁的临床研究

    Pedicled Rectalis Muscle Flap Bladder Neck Suspension for Stress Urinary Incontinence

  17. 经乳晕环形切口皮下乳腺切除与即刻腹直肌肌皮瓣再造术

    Skin sparing incision mastectomy and immediate TRAM flap breast reconstruction

  18. 腹直肌使躯干向大腿方向。

    The rectus abdominus bends the trunk toward the thigh .

  19. 腹直肌-通常称为吸收,这是一个大平面

    Rectus abdominis-commonly known as the abs , this is a large flat

  20. 腹直肌血肿是气喘病的一种罕见的并发症。

    Hematoma of the rectus sheath is a rare complication of asthma .

  21. 腹直肌将胸腔拉向盆腔的方向。

    The rectus abdominus , tethers the rib cage to the pelvis .

  22. 腹直肌蒂胸骨瓣翻转成形术

    Sternum flap turning-over plasty pedicled with the rectus abdominis muscle

  23. 腹直肌外缘切口治疗原发性输尿管癌30例

    External Rectus Incision Treating 30 Cases of Primary Carcinoma of the Ureter

  24. 带蒂腹直肌瓣填充治疗化脓性肋软骨炎的临床体会

    Pedicle rectus disc filling the cartilage treatment suppurative infection of clinical experience

  25. 目的:探讨腹直肌皮瓣游离移植临床应用范围。

    Objective : To explore the clinic using range of free TRAM flap .

  26. 在腹直肌切口外侧切开肌肉和筋膜层。

    The muscle and fascial layers are incised lateral to a rectus incision .

  27. 采用腹直肌蒂胸骨瓣翻转成形术治疗漏斗胸8例。

    Eight cases of funnel-chest deformity were treated with pedicled sternum flap plasty .

  28. 腹直肌-腹膜瓣修复舌缺损的临床研究

    Reconstruction of the tongue with rectus abdominis musculoperitoneal flap

  29. 腹直肌肌皮瓣的应用解剖及其肌内神经分布

    Applied anatomy of the rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap and its intramuscular nerve distribution

  30. 腹直肌肌皮瓣转位修复躯干周缘肿瘤性缺损

    Repair of the margin trunk defects by transplant of rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap