
fù qí
  • pelvic fin;ventral fin
  1. 孵出后第30天,腹鳍芽出现;

    By 30 days , the bud of ventral fin appeared ;

  2. 孵出后第49天,腹鳍形成;

    By 49 days , the ventral fin formed ;

  3. 在腹鳍嵌入点之间的发光器的前面皮窗。

    Anterior dermal window of light organ between insertions of pelvic fins .

  4. 某型飞机腹鳍故障攻关实例

    The example of fixing the ventral fins breakdown on one type aircraft

  5. 想让飞机旋转,腹鳍转动与水平轴推向相反方向相反。

    To achieve a spin , the fins go in opposite directions .

  6. 33天,20%的仔鱼可观察到腹鳍条;

    And about 20 % of larvae having pelvic fin can be observed ;

  7. 多数细长的无鳞海水鱼,有大的胸鳍和退化的腹鳍。

    Elongated mostly scaleless marine fishes with large pectoral fins and reduced pelvic fins .

  8. 小的蝌蚪形冷水鱼,长有形成吸盘的腹鳍;与圆鳍鱼科有关。

    Small tadpole-shaped cold-water fishes with pelvic fins forming a sucker ; related to lumpfish .

  9. 每个轴控制着各自机翼上的腹鳍。

    Each axis has its own set of fins built into the aircraft 's wings .

  10. 问题19如果飞行员想让飞机腹鳍转动,那么他应该做什么?

    Question 19 . What should a pilot do if he wants the plane to spin ?

  11. 飞行员只需将腹鳍朝着目标方向推动。

    a pilot needs only to turn the fins in the direction of the desired turn .

  12. 七彩的背鳍和腹鳍看上去是身体的一部分。

    You can see that upper and lower fin " seems " like a part of the body .

  13. 左腹鳍会右转,这样飞机的左侧会上升。

    The left fin would turn right , so that the left side of the aircraft would rise .

  14. 背鳍和腹鳍不包含鱼的尾巴,或者说,和尾巴离开一个很大的空隙。

    The upper and lower fins don 't cover the tail or leave a big gap before the tail .

  15. 北大西洋中又软又粗身体笨重的鱼,长有用作吸盘的腹鳍;鱼子可制成鱼子酱食用。

    Clumsy soft thick-bodied North Atlantic fish with pelvic fins fused into a sucker ; edible roe used for caviar .

  16. 头部与身体间的腹鳍已「肉质化」,使花跳能够爬行。

    The abdominal fins between the head and body have already become " muscularized ," allowing the mudskipper to crawl .

  17. 皇室蓝:鱼身深蓝无杂色。有时腹鳍尖端有白或黑斑。

    Royal blue : deep dark grain-flower-blue without other colour portions . The ventrals may have white or black peaks .

  18. 有些种类具双翼而仅胸鳍较大,有些则有四翼,胸、腹鳍皆大。

    Two-winged species have only the pectoral fins enlarged ; four-winged species have Both the pectoral and the pelvic fins enlarged .

  19. 大西洋西部温暖水域的底栖鱼,身体扁平无鳞,靠胸鳍和腹鳍爬泳。

    Bottom-dweller of warm western Atlantic coastal waters having a flattened scaleless body that crawls about on fleshy pectoral and pelvic fins .

  20. 腹鳍转动和推动方向相反。要操作横轴或者垂轴,

    For a spin , the fins turn in opposite directions . To make a turn on the lateral or vertical axis ,

  21. 当飞行员移动气流中的飞机腹鳍时,腹鳍和气流相互作用以改变航向。

    When a pilot moves the fins in the air stream , they react with the air pressure to turn the aircraft .

  22. 任一种蛇形的淡水鱼,体表光滑无鳞,有连续的垂直背鳍,缺少腹鳍。

    Voracious snakelike marine or freshwater fishes with smooth slimy usually scaleless skin and having a continuous vertical fin but no ventral fins .

  23. 例如,想让飞机顺时针旋转,右腹鳍会下降,所以飞机的右侧会下降。

    For example , to spin clockwise , the right fin would turn down , so the right side of the aircraft drops .

  24. 第三目是副鳍鱼,康塞尔说,腹鳍是接在胸鳝的下面和挂在肩骨上。

    Tertio , Conseil said , the subbrachians , whose pelvic fins are attached under the pectorals and hang directly from the shoulder bone .

  25. (鱼腹腔中的)黑膜海滨或半盐水中带棘鳍的小鱼,头大,身细长,有聚合成吸盘的腹鳍。

    Small spiny-finned fish of coastal or brackish waters having a large head and elongated tapering body having the ventral fins modified as a sucker .

  26. 腹的发光器官相当大,在腹鳍基底之间位于而且与狭窄裸露的凹槽黑色肛门周围相连了;

    Ventral luminous organ rather large , situated between pelvic bases and connected with black periproct by narrow naked groove ; lens faintly visible on photophore .

  27. 北部深海中庞大凶恶的食用鱼,牙齿有力,无腹鳍。大型远洋食用鱼,有细长的上颌和帆状的长背鳍。

    Large ferocious northern deep-sea food fishes with strong teeth and no pelvic fins . large pelagic game fish having an elongated upper jaw and long sail-like dorsal fin .

  28. 康塞尔又说:第二目是腹鳍鱼,腹鳍是垂在肚腹下面和在胸绪后边,而不是长在肩骨上;

    Secundo , Conseil went on , the abdominals , whose pelvic fins hang under the abdomen to the rear of the pectorals but aren 't attached to the shoulder bone ,

  29. 人类身体的腹部外表;肝脏的位置有点靠近腹部;与四足动物后肢相对的是腹鳍。

    The ventral aspect of the human body ; the liver is somewhat ventral in position ; ventral ( or pelvic ) fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped .

  30. 有灰色斑点的蓝白色暹罗猫。皇室蓝:鱼身深蓝无杂色。有时腹鳍尖端有白或黑斑。

    Siamese cat having a bluish cream body and dark gray points . Royal blue : deep dark grain-flower-blue without other colour portions . The ventrals may have white or black peaks .