
  • 网络abdominal vein
  1. 腹壁静脉血流图与MIBI对肝硬化门脉分流检测的比较研究

    Comparative evaluation of the Doppler ultrasonography of abdominal wall vein flow and 99mTc-MIBI per rectum to detect portal hypertension in cirrhosis

  2. 多普勒腹壁静脉血流图检测肝硬化的临床意义

    Doppler Ultrasonography of Abdominal Wall Vein Flow in Cirrhotics

  3. 结论:提高超声引导下经腹脐静脉穿刺术的安全性和有效性,使此项介入性诊断技术安全有效地应用于临床。

    Conclusion : We should improve the safety and efficacy of ultrasound-guided percutaneous umbilical sampling and make it safe and effective procedure for prenatal diagnosis .

  4. 皮瓣上部的皮静脉特别是注入胸外侧皮静脉的胸腹壁静脉可延伸到下部皮瓣内。

    The veins within the upper part of skin flap . especial the thoraco-epigastric vein which drainges blood into the lateral thoracic cutaneous veins may extend to the lower part of skin flap .

  5. 方法我们应用B超监测、经腹行动静脉留置针穿刺,间断滴注林格氏液治疗32~36周胎膜早破,同时选取基本相同背景,未经治疗的病例作为对照。

    Methods Under B ultrasound monitor , the venous permanent needle was acupunctured through abdomen and injected ringer 's solution intermission for 32 ~ 36 w premature rupture of membrane patient and same condition patient as control .

  6. 背侧的静脉血管主要是大脑背侧静脉,腹侧静脉血管主要是基底静脉等,脑深层的静脉血管包括胼胝体静脉、大脑大静脉、大脑内静脉及其分支等。

    The dorsal vein is dorsal vein of the brain , ventral vein including the basal vein , etc. deep cerebral veins , including the vein of the corpus callosum , great cerebral vein , middle cerebral vein and its branches .

  7. 结果:门脉高压组较正常组腹壁下静脉内径明显增宽,腹壁下动脉RI减低。

    Results : The diameter of inferior epigastric vein was found obviously wider , and RI in inferior epigastric artery decreased .

  8. 改良筋膜横切口保留腹壁浅静脉的临床意义

    The Clinical Significance of Preserving Superior Epigastric Vessels in Cohen Incision

  9. 组4保留对侧腹壁浅静脉;

    A superficial epigastric vein on the opposite side in group 4 ;

  10. 新生儿腹壁浅静脉穿刺留置套管针的尝试

    Catheter Indwelling in Abdominal Wall Superficial Vein in Neonates

  11. 方法对大鼠行腹主动脉下腔静脉分流术。

    Methods Abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava shunting was produced in rats .

  12. 腹壁下部静脉蒂皮瓣血管的巨微解剖

    Macro-micro-anatomy of Vasculature of the Venous Pedicle Skin Flap of Lower Abdominal Wall

  13. 睾丸静脉与腹壁浅静脉分流治疗小儿精索静脉曲张的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of shunt testicular vein to superficial epigastric vein for treatment of the child varicocele

  14. 晚期肝硬化患者胸腹壁曲张静脉输液50例

    Intravenous transfusion through varicose vein of chest-abdominal wall in 50 patients with late cirrhosis of liver

  15. 结论:腹壁浅静脉是治疗小儿精索静脉曲张症较为理想的分流血管。

    Conclusions : Superficial epigastric vein is an ideal shunt vessel for the treatment of child varicocele .

  16. 睾丸静脉与腹壁下静脉吻合术治疗精索静脉曲张的解剖学研究和临床应用

    Anatomical Study and Clinical Application on the Anastomosis between Testicular Vein and Inferior Epigastric Vein for the Treatment of Varicocele

  17. 方法:在34侧小儿标本上,解剖观测了睾丸静脉、腹壁浅静脉的起始、位置、外径及分离长度。

    Methods : The origin , position , outer diameter and separating length of superficial epigastric vein and testicular vein were observed on 34 side of child specimens .

  18. 为探讨高肺血流量对大鼠肺腺泡内动脉超微结构的早期影响,对大鼠行腹主动脉下腔静脉分流术。

    To study the influence of high pulmonary blood flow on ultrastructure of intra acinar pulmonary arteries , abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava shunting was produced in shunting rats .

  19. 结论门静脉高压有广泛腹壁浅静脉侧支循环的建立与开放的病理基础,为浅静脉留置针穿刺提供了穿刺途径。

    Conclusion There is suitable based and ways for puncture in abdominal wall superficial vein for patient with portal hypertension , four main points should be mastered based the characteristic of abdominal wall superficial vein .

  20. 良好者3例(10%),胸腹壁曲张静脉基本消失,肝脏缩小;

    The result in 3 cases was judged as good ( 10 % ) with the dilated tortuous veins on the abdomenal and chest wall relieved , and the liver reduced in size after the treatment .

  21. 对35例患者术后随访6~36个月,效果优者23例(65.7%),患者临床无症状,腹水、胸腹壁曲张静脉及下肢肿胀消失,肝右肋下不能触及;

    The results of 23 cases were excellent ( 65.7 % ), and the patients had no clinical symptoms , ascites , dilated tortuous veins in the abdomen and chest , or edema of lower extremities . The liver was not palpable below the right costal margin .

  22. 右侧8例,左侧3例。临床症状:血尿9例,腹部肿物2例,仅1例出现下肢水肿、腹壁浅静脉扩张。

    The primary lesion was on the right side in 8 and on the left in 3.The presenting symptom was hematuria in 9 and an abdominal mass palpated in 2.Edema of the lower extremity and dilatation of the superficial vein of the abdominal wall were noted only in 1 patient .

  23. 方法将SD大鼠通过腹主动脉-下腔静脉穿刺造瘘和冠状动脉结扎的方法建成不同的心衰模型,设正常对照组、穿刺造瘘1孔组、穿刺造瘘3孔组和冠脉结扎组。

    Methods To establish different congestive heart failure animal models with abdominal aortocaval shunts ( 1 pore and 3 pores ) and ligature of the left coronary artery respectively in SD rats .

  24. 方法对腹主动脉-下腔静脉分流术后的大白鼠应用血管加压素V1受体拮抗剂(OPC-21268)治疗,4周后观察。

    Method The vasopressin V1 receptor antagonist ( OPC-21268 ) was applied to the A-C shunt rats and observe the results four weeks later .

  25. A组行胰腺动态螺旋CT增强扫描,对比剂总量为120ml,注射流率为2.5ml/s,分别测定腹主动脉、门静脉、胰腺实质及肝脏实质在增强后不同时间点的CT值,得出时间-密度曲线。

    By means of injection of 120 ml contrast at 2.5 ml / s rate , CT value of the peripancreatic aorta and portal vein , pancreatic and hepatic parenchyma was measured respectively in order to make the time-density curves of their enhancement .

  26. 3DDCEMRA的临床应用研究:()正常表现:3例,清晰显示腹主动脉、下腔静脉、门静脉及其主要分支。

    Clinical study on 3D DCE MRA : ( 1 ) Normal appearances : 3 cases , the abdominal aorta , the vena cava , the portal vein and their major branches were all demonstrated clearly in the images of 3D DCE MRA .

  27. 经腹超声诊断胃静脉曲张

    The Diagnosis of Gastric Varices by Transabdominal Ultrasound

  28. 分别经腹主动脉和门静脉对肝脏进行双重灌注;

    Dual Images The donor liver was perfused through abdominal aorta and portal vein respectively .

  29. 方法供心主动脉和肺动脉分别与受体的腹主动脉和下腔静脉吻合。

    Methods The graft aorta and pulmonary artery were anastomosed to the recipient abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava .

  30. 结论人胎肝细胞的分离应首选经腹主动脉及脐静脉双灌流消化法。

    Conclusion Double irrigation digestive method via abdominal aorta and umbilical vein should first be selected in isolating HFH .