
  • 网络humification coefficient
  1. 根据玉米秸科的矿化率以及腐殖化系数,通过Jenny模型可预测秸秆还田后土壤有机质的动态及平衡。

    Mineralization rate and humification coefficient of the maize stalks by Jenny model can predict the dynamic and balance of soil organic matter after stalk returned .

  2. 干旱地区有机肥料腐解及腐殖化系数的研究

    Study on decomposition and humification coefficient of organic fertilizer in arid region

  3. 用锦纶袋法测定小麦秸秆在潮土中的腐殖化系数为12.25%。

    The humification cofficient of the wheat straw determined with the nylon bag method was 12.25 % .

  4. 有机肥料的腐殖化系数在18%~27%,平均215%;

    Humification coefficient of organic fertilization is between 18 % and 27 % , with a mean value of 21.5 % ;

  5. 各区间的腐殖化系数并不随气候而呈规律性变异,而主要是环境因子综合作用的结果,特别是土壤性质有显著影响。

    Humification coefficient did not changed proportionately with temperature and rainfall and was multiply influenced by environmental factors , especially soil properties .

  6. 用近似法计量施用有机肥培肥土壤,测定土壤有机质矿化率和农肥及作物根茬的腐殖化系数。

    The approximate calculation was applied to determine the application of organic fertilizer and to test organic matter mineralization rate in rice soil and decomposition and humification coefficient of crop stubble .

  7. 膨润土能够降低有机物料的分解速率、提高腐殖化系数,从而增加有机质的含量和质量,提高土壤酶活性,改善土壤肥力状况。

    It can decrease the decomposition rate of organic substance and improve humification coefficient , so it can raise the quantity and quality of organic matter and improve the sandy soil fertility .

  8. 有机质的腐殖化系数:马粪为35%~40%;猪粪为28%~34%;

    The decomposition and humification coefficient of organic matter is 35 to 40 percent in horse manure , 28 to 34 percent in swine manure , and 45 percent in rice stubble .

  9. 表明土壤有机质矿化率较高,而有机肥料的腐殖化系数较低,这是新疆农田土壤有机质含量难于提高的两个很重要的原因。

    It shows that mineralization rate of organic matter is high and humification coefficient of organic fertilization is low , as two important reasons to raise the content of organic matter difficulty in soil .

  10. 本文探讨了苕子、柽麻、稻草和锯木屑四种植物残体,在南宁地区赤红土中的腐殖化系数和土壤有机质的自然增减率。

    The humification coefficients of plant residues of common vetch , sunnhemp , rice straw and sawdust in lateritic red loam in Nanning prefecture , and the natural increase and decrease rates of soil organic matter were investigated .