
là chánɡ
  • sausage;wors
腊肠 [là cháng]
  • [Chinese sausage] 用剁碎的肉灌在猪肠子中在烟上熏制而成

  1. 本文建立了应用PCR技术鉴别腊肠中植物成分的方法。

    PCR was used in detection of plant element in sausage .

  2. 研究了VC和VE对广式腊肠过氧化值以及色泽的影响。

    Effect of VC and VE on peroxide value and color of Cantonese sausage was studied .

  3. 金发人打开饭盒说:“又是大腊肠。下次如果还是大腊肠三明治,我也跳下去。”

    The blonde opened his lunch and said , " Bologna again . If I get a bologna sandwich one more time I 'm jumping too . "

  4. 墨西哥人打开饭盒看到玉米煎饼也跳了楼,金发人打开饭盒看到大腊肠也跳楼自杀了。

    The Mexican opens his lunch , sees a burrito and jumps too , the blonde opens his lunch , sees the bologna and jumps to his death also .

  5. 这三组复合抗氧化剂对腊肠pH值影响不大,对腊肠的质构和色泽都有较好的保持效果。

    The three groups of multiple antioxidants had little effect on pH and could maintain the texture and color of sausage .

  6. 利用二维辐射磁流体程序模拟了钨丝阵Z箍缩等离子体腊肠不稳定性的演化:分析了存在不稳定性与没有不稳定性条件下等离子体内爆的差异;

    A two-dimensional , radiation magneto-hydrodynamics model is applied to the simulation of Z-pinch plasma sausage instability .

  7. 广式腊肠生产加工中HACCP的应用研究

    Application of HACCP in Cantonese Sausage Produce

  8. 皮损组织切片可见成堆的PAS染色阳性的圆形或腊肠形孢子。

    Biopsy of the skin lesion showed PAS stain positive yeast-like , or sausage-form spores .

  9. 浓度为4%的PF脱色血红蛋白酶解液可抑制腊肠酸价升高。

    At higher concentration of 4 % , the decolorized of PF decreased the acid value of Chinese Cantonese sausage .

  10. PF脱色血红蛋白酶解产物能够抑制广式腊肠中的脂质过氧化反应,但无明显剂量效应。

    The decolorized of PF inhibited lipid peroxidation in Chinese Cantonese sausage , but the activity had no relation to the concentration .

  11. 女王还有两只柯基叫Candy和Vulcan,是腊肠和柯基的杂交。

    The Queen still has two dorgis called Candy and Vulcan , who are crossbreeds between daschunds and corgis .

  12. 从发酵香肠、腊肠、金华火腿中,用MRS培养基分离到67株革兰氏阳性菌,用MSA培养基分离到58株革兰氏阳性球菌;

    1.67 stains of Gram-positive and 58 stains of Gram-positive cocci were isolated from fermented sausage , Chinese sausage and ham with MRS agar and MSA agar .

  13. 广式腊肠风味物质成分的HS-GC-MS分析

    Analysis of the Volatile Compounds of Cantonese Sausage by HS-GC-MS

  14. 在腊肠整个加工过程中,出现的亚硝胺包括亚硝基二甲胺(NDMA)和亚硝基二乙胺(NEDA)。

    In the entire processing , nitrosamines which appeared included the nitrosodimethylamine ( NDMA ) and nitrosodiethylamine ( NEDA ) .

  15. Milo和另外两只5岁的腊肠狗子弹和天使发觉狮子Bonedigger患有残疾后就一直安慰它,保护它。

    When Milo and two other five-year old wiener dogs , Bullet and Angel , sensed that the the lion was disabled they sought to comfort and protect him .

  16. 据英国ananova网站报道,这些腊肠的包装使用的是英格兰队旗的颜色。

    The sausages are packaged in the colours of the England flag .

  17. 以亚硝酸钠,游离氨基酸(FAA),游离脂肪酸(FFA)以及脂肪氧化度为指标研究了腊肠在烘箱加热过程中的动态化学变化。

    This paper studies the dynamic chemical changes of sausage during oven-heating by using sodium nitrite , free amino acids ( FAA ), free fatty acids ( FFA ) and oxidation of fat as indicators .

  18. 结合同时蒸馏萃取和顶空固相微萃取法提取五种不同品牌广式腊肠的挥发性成分,并利用气相色谱-嗅闻(GC-O)技术对其进行感官嗅闻评价。

    Volatile components of five brands of Cantonese sausage was extracted by SDE and SPME , then GC-O was used to evaluate them .

  19. 说明广式腊肠在未添加任何抗氧化剂的情况下,高温储藏25d以上已经不符合国家标准的要求。

    The results showed that Cantonese style sausage under normal storage temperature for 25 d without treatment with any antioxidant had AV above the national standard .

  20. 淳厚的酒需要长期的存放。它最适合德国泡菜,腊肠和阿尔萨斯Munster奶酪,咖喱菜,中国和墨西哥菜,以及其他味道强烈的菜。

    Thick and rich wine , which can age , Gewurztraminer is better with sauerkraut , sausages and the Alsatian cheese Munster , curry seasoned dishes , chinese and mexican cooking and other spiced dishes .

  21. 腊肠工艺中理化因素与亚硝胺含量的相关性

    Relationship of physical and chemical factors and nitrosamines in sausage processing

  22. 广式腊肠以其独特的外观和风味而闻名遐迩。

    Cantonese sausage is famous for its unique appearance and flavor .

  23. 酸价标准在腊肠品质判定中的应用现状

    Application Status of Acid Value Standard in Evaluation of Sausage Quality

  24. 任何看见腊肠毫疑问都道谁狗。

    Dachshund has no doubt about who 's dog it is .

  25. 要一磅半丹尼腊肠。

    And a pound and a half of Denny 's sausages .

  26. 广式腊肠烘烤过程中脂肪变化的研究

    Studies on Lipid Changes of Chinese Sausages During the Oven-Drying

  27. 你喜好吃甚么,烤鸭仍是腊肠?

    What do you prefer , roast ducks or sausages ?

  28. 我住在腊肠店楼上的一个房间里。

    I lived in a room above a sausage shop .

  29. 肿瘤学核心期刊中腊肠切片稿件存在问题分析

    Existence and countermeasure of salami slicing in core oncology journals

  30. 葡萄球菌和乳酸菌对广式腊肠风味的影响

    The Effect of Staphylococcus and Lactobacillus on Cantonese Sausage Flavor