
pí qi
  • temper;bad temper;temperament;disposition;behavior;characteristic;qi of spleen
脾气 [pí qì]
  • (1) [ qi of spleen]∶脾脏之气。中医认为人体有五脏,五脏之间运行失常,就生各种疾病

  • 他脾气与酒不相宜

  • (2) [temperament;temper;disposition]∶性情

  • 脾气急躁

  • (3) [bad temper]∶易怒,怒气;容易发怒的性情

  • 发脾气

  • (4) [behavior;characteristic]∶事物的特性

  • 摸熟机器的脾气

脾气[pí qi]
  1. 埃米莉脾气反复无常,很难与她相处。

    Emily 's mercurial temperament made her difficult to live with .

  2. 我的职业对我性格和脾气的形成有重要的影响。

    My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and temperament .

  3. 他要是睡眠不足动不动就发脾气。

    He gets ratty if he doesn 't get enough sleep .

  4. 尽可能别发脾气。

    Try to avoid losing your temper if at all possible .

  5. 她一发脾气说话就难听。

    She says awful things when she 's in a temper .

  6. 为此大发脾气也无济于事。

    There 's no point in getting worked up about it .

  7. 她动辄就发脾气。

    It doesn 't take much to make her angry .

  8. 他脾气急躁,以前就遇到过麻烦。

    His hot temper has landed him in trouble before .

  9. 这位脾气暴躁的队员曾和裁判员发生过无数次争吵。

    The fiery player has had numerous run-ins with referees .

  10. 她对一位顾客发了脾气,冲着人家大喊大叫。

    She lost her temper with a customer and shouted at him .

  11. 孩子们越来越累,脾气也有些变坏了。

    The kids were getting tired and a little cranky .

  12. 对不起,我不该发脾气。

    I 'm sorry , I shouldn 't have lost my temper .

  13. 他得学着控制自己的脾气。

    He needs to learn to curb his temper .

  14. 人人都佩服她的耐心和永不衰减的好脾气。

    Everyone admired her patience and unfailing good humour .

  15. 孩子们淘气时,我强捺住性子不发脾气。

    I struggle to keep my temper with the kids when they misbehave .

  16. 我已经受够了你那臭脾气!

    I 've had quite enough of your tantrums .

  17. 我不能晚了,否则爸爸会发脾气的。

    I mustn 't be late or Dad will go up the wall .

  18. 她累的时候就爱发脾气。

    She gets very bad-tempered when she 's tired .

  19. 儿童在这个年龄经常犯脾气。

    Children often throw tantrums at this age .

  20. 大家都欺负戴夫脾气好。

    Everyone imposes on Dave 's good nature .

  21. 她竭力按住性子,不发脾气。

    She struggled hard to master her temper .

  22. 她发脾气是因为她的梳妆室没有漆成蓝色。

    She threw a hissy fit because her dressing room wasn 't painted blue .

  23. 他的老板脾气很坏。

    His boss has a foul temper .

  24. 这辆车有它的一些小小脾气。

    The car has its little idiosyncrasies .

  25. 她脾气暴躁。

    She has a filthy temper .

  26. 脾气变得暴躁起来。

    Tempers were getting very frayed .

  27. 她脾气暴躁。

    She has a fiery temper .

  28. 我是在一个不正常的家庭里长大的,所以乱发脾气是我的一大问题。

    Because I grew up in a dysfunctional family , anger is a big issue for me .

  29. 我已认识他多年,可还是摸不透他的脾气。

    I 've known him for years , but I still don 't know what pushes his buttons .

  30. 这样大发脾气与他所树立的个人形象不相称。

    The outburst was inconsistent with the image he has cultivated .