
  • 网络deoxygenated water;deaerated water
  1. 目前,过滤系统存在的溶解氧控制问题有:脱氧水制备量不足;CO2回收量不足,造成过滤或灌装车间用空气背压;

    Currently , the problems in filtration system covered the following aspects : scanty preparation of deoxygenated water and insufficient yield of CO 2 which resulted in air as backpressure in filtration and bottle-filling plants ;

  2. 添加硅藻土时,未用脱氧水调浆,也未用CO2封闭加料罐口;

    Starch mixing without the application of deoxygenated water during the addition of diatomite and sealing of feeding port without the application of CO 2 ;

  3. 冷法制水在脱氧水制备中的分析及应用

    Application of Cold Method in Production of Deaerated Water

  4. 清酒罐至灌装酒管洗涤结束后走脱氧水,防止啤酒吸氧。

    Deoxygenated water flowed after cleaning of beer purification pots and bottle-filling pipes to prevent oxygen absorption of beer .

  5. 高浓啤酒稀释工艺是指糖化的高浓麦汁在发酵前或发酵后,与定量的无菌脱氧水混合至所需浓度的啤酒生产工艺。

    The dilution of high concentration mash meant that saccharified high concentration wort was blended with certain amount of aseptic deaerated water to achieve the required mash concentration before or after the fermentation .