
tuō fà
  • hair loss;alopecia;trichomadesis;calvities;lipsotrichia
脱发 [tuō fà]
  • [trichomadesis] 因病理原因造成的头发大量脱落现象

脱发[tuō fà]
  1. A组消化道反应、脱发、口腔溃疡、局部静脉炎发生率低于B组(P<0.01)。

    The side effects of Group A such as gastrointestinal toxicity , alopecia , oral ulcer and phlebitis were lower than thoses of Group B ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. HCMV感染能否直接引起脱发,或是斑秃的触发因素?

    Whether HCMV infection direct induced alopecia or was the AA trigger factor ?

  3. 酒吧男招待面色红润,前额有点脱发。

    The bartender had a florid face and a receding hairline .

  4. 男性脱发属于遗传。

    In men , hair loss is hereditary .

  5. 脱发使我觉得自己是个怪人。

    Losing my hair made me feel an oddity

  6. 年纪大的男人为了避免脱发花了很多钱。

    Older men spend a lot of money trying to avoid hair loss .

  7. 研究指出,促进头发生长、防止脱发的其他三种蛋白质——细胞周期蛋白D1、细胞周期蛋白E和细胞周期素依赖性激酶2——水平也下降了。

    According to the study , the levels of three other proteins which are responsible for hair growth and hair retention – cyclin D1 , cyclin E and CDK2 – were also decreased .

  8. 在马德里举行的欧洲皮肤病与性病学会年会上发表的这项新研究发现,污染空气中的颗粒物会影响头发生长,引起脱发。

    New research presented at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology ( EADV ) Congress in Madrid found particulate2 matter ( PM ) – that is present in polluted air – could impact both hair growth and retention3 .

  9. 如果你为发际线后退而烦恼而你又住在城市里,你可能要考虑搬家了,因为科学家发现,重度污染的环境也许和脱发有关。

    If you ’ re worried about your receding1 hairline and you live in a city , you might want to consider moving , as scientists have found exposure to high levels of air pollution may be linked to hair loss .

  10. 蛇形脱发和W形脱发嵌合分布1例

    One case report of mosaic distribution of ophiasis and w-shaped alopecia areata

  11. 胃肠道反应程度两组相似;GC组脱发发生率较FEC组多见(5/22,4/40),但均为Ⅰ~Ⅱ度;

    The occurrence rates of gastroenteric reaction were similar in both groups .

  12. 奥地利的利奥波德·佛罗因德教授发现X射线可致人毛发脱发,便建议用X射线来治疗多毛症。

    Dr. Leopold Freund of Austria observed that x-rays made people 's hair fall out and recommended it as a treatment for hypertrichosis .

  13. DMF组无脱发及心脏毒性反应,DDP的肾毒性经水化后得以预防。

    The nephrotoxicity in DMF group can be prevented by hydration .

  14. 颞部W形小切口除皱术对中下面部提升及瘢痕脱发的影响

    The effect of rhytidectomy of temple with W-shape incisions on the outcomes of lifting flabby skin on middle and lower face

  15. 在血小板减少、贫血、脱发及周围神经毒性方面总发生率低,但P0.05,没有统计学意义。

    In platelets , anemia , hair loss , and low total incidence of peripheral nerve toxicity , but P0.05 , no statistical significance .

  16. 但CP可引起较严重的毒副作用,如骨髓抑制、出血性膀胱炎、脱发和性腺损害等。

    CP may bring about some severe toxicities such as myelosuppression , hemorrhagic cystitis , hair lose and gonad damage .

  17. 结论:AR的RNA干扰质粒能抑制DPC内AR的表达,该实验为雄激素性脱发的基因治疗的进一步研究提供了必要的基础。

    Conclusion : The results suggested that RNA interference could inhibit AR in DPCs , and it might be significant for the androgenic alopecia gene therapy .

  18. FAM组有明显的脱发,2例出现心脏毒性反应。

    There were apparent baldness in FAM group , and 2 patients hnd cardiac events .

  19. 心虚脱发患者的红细胞聚集指数亦高于其他各型及正常人,P<0.05。

    The aggregation index of erythrocytes of the patients of baldness due to deficiency of the heart was higher than that of people of any other type or of normal group , and P > 0 05 was for this type .

  20. TT组脱发程度较重,伴有关节肌肉疼痛,神经毒性及面色潮红等毒性反应,但程度较轻,可以耐受。

    But alopecia was more severe , and arthralgia , myalgia , neurotoxicity and flushing of face were the unique features of the TT regimen .

  21. 治疗毒副反应,TP组以脱发(100%)、白血球下降(83.33%)和血小板下降(50%)为主。

    The main toxic side-effects were alopecia ( 100 % ), leucocyte reduction ( 83.33 % ) and platelet reduction ( 50 % ) in TP regiment group .

  22. 益发复方治疗女性型脱发的临床疗效观察及对体外培养SD大鼠毛乳头细胞的影响

    Clinical Study of " Yi Fa " Compound Prescription in the Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia ( AGA ) and the Effect on the Growth of SD Rats Papilla Cells in Vitro

  23. 虽然一些疗法在阻止脱毛症上有效果,但FDA对其应用于女性脱发或多毛症的治疗尚未认可。

    Although a number of treatments are effective in arresting androgenic alopecia , they are not FDA approved for use in women with alopecia , nor in hirsutism .

  24. 这种脱发,被称为“男性型脱发”(MBP),会在你30几岁的时候开始,直至最后完全秃顶。

    Called male pattern baldness ( MBP ) this hair loss can start as early as in your thirties and ends in complete baldness .

  25. 阿双管齐下的办法,以阻止DHT的往往比解决脱发有效,只集中在一个问题的DHT的组成部分。

    A dual approach to blocking DHT tends to be more effective than hair loss solutions that only focus on one component of the DHT problem .

  26. 【目的】探讨雄性激素受体(AR)在雄激素性脱发(AA)患者受损头皮的表达特点和分布规律及其与中医证候的关系。

    To investigate the expression of androgen receptor ( AR ) in affected area of androgenetic alopecia ( AA ) and the relationship between its expression and various syndromes of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) .

  27. 另外,平和体质的肿瘤患者化疗后更易导致毒副反应大、消化道反应、脱发、疲乏、发烧、疼痛,其P0.01,有显著性差异,具有高度统计学意义。

    In addition , normal constitution of cancer patients after chemotherapy more easily lead to toxicity , gastrointestinal reaction , hair loss , fatigue , fever , pain , P0.01 , significant differences with high statistical significance .

  28. 考虑到大豆对dht的影响,科学家们认为大豆可能有利于治疗其它与dht有关的病症,例如男性模式脱发。

    Scientists think that because of its effects on DHT , soy may prove beneficial in treating other conditions associated with DHT , such as male pattern baldness .

  29. 局部应用维生素D3类似物预防性治疗细胞毒药物引起的人类萎缩性休止期脱发的可能保护性作用随机对照试验研究

    ' Atrophic telogen effluvium ' from cytotoxic drugs and a randomized controlled trial to investigate the possible protective effect of pretreatment with a topical vitamin D3 analogue in humans

  30. 结果Ⅰ组WBC、PLT下降,月经失调及脱发者显著高于Ⅱ组(均P<001)。

    Results In the group ⅰ, WBC and PLT were decreased , and the occurrence of menoxenia and baldness was obviously higher than in the group ⅱ ( P < 0 01 ) .