
  1. 如果你是那种不能理解为什么有人会花大钱购买游戏皮肤这种数字资产的人,那么萨尔瓦多·加劳的非实物雕塑将会让你脑洞大开。

    If you 're one of those people who just can 't understand how someone can pay large sums of money for digital assets like video game skins , then the sale of Salvatore Garau 's immaterial sculpture is really going to do a number on your brain .

  2. VK网站上一位脑洞大开的粉丝将凯奇P到一张包含超人、神奇女侠和蝙蝠侠的漫威超级英雄图片上。(VK是俄罗斯知名社交网站--译者注)

    Cage was superimposed onto a picture of Marvel superheros including Superman , Wonder Woman and Batman by one creative fan on VK.com .

  3. 对于瑞恩·高斯林对维姬说了什么悄悄话,让她面部表情如此这般丰富,网友也是脑洞大开。

    Folks had fun coming up with suggestions about what Ryan Gosling whispered to Vicky to prompt her facial expression .

  4. 约翰、詹姆斯和爱玛这样的名字太过老套了,而明星和星二代的名字却让人们脑洞大开。

    Names like John , James and Emma are out , and monikers inspired by celebrities and their offspring are in 。

  5. 《西部世界》的剧迷都了解,第一季绝非是小打小闹,所以我们就知道第二季很可能会让我们脑洞大开。

    As fans of Westworld know , the first season was pretty far from anything resembling a genteel kitchen drama so we know that Season 2 is probably going to blow minds .

  6. 对于胡说树这样的奇葩设定,粉丝们不禁脑洞大开,认为胡说树的原型就是木化石,或是正在渐渐变成化石的木头。

    However , it 's stated that Sudowoodo is a rock-type Pokemon . This has led fans to surmise that Sudowoodo is based on petrified wood , or wood that has undergone the process of fossilisation and become rock .