
néng nai
  • capability;ability;skill;talent
能耐 [néng nài]
  • [ability] [口]∶本事;技能

能耐[néng nai]
  1. 他吸收利用互不相关的零碎信息的能耐惊人。

    His ability to absorb bits of disconnected information was astonishing .

  2. 这将大幅中止他们打高吊慢球的能耐。

    This stops their ability to lob so much .

  3. 他将比赛技能提至所要求的水平,这说明他颇有能耐。

    It says a lot for him that he has raised his game to the level required

  4. 我有什么能耐呀,全靠各位撑腰呢!

    What could I do without you people backing me up ?

  5. 她真有能耐,一个人管这么多台机器。

    She shows great competence in minding so many machines on her own .

  6. 人纵有万般能耐,终也敌不过天命。

    No matter how resourceful you are , you can 't fight fate .

  7. 就许多方面来说,塑胶是完美材料--我们可以让它强韧坚固到足以建造宇宙飞船和替代骨骼,或让它够轻薄且有弹力,可以做出和五分钱硬币重量相同但却能耐重到八公斤的购物袋。

    In many ways , plastic is the perfect material — we can make it strong and rigid enough to build spaceships and replace bones , or thin and flexible enough to make shopping bags that weigh as much as a nickel but carry up to eight kilograms .

  8. 结果表明本课题组研发的FRP封装光纤光栅应变传感器是一种能耐高温和抗疲劳的高性能传感器。

    The results show that FRP strain sensors can resistant high temperature and fatigue .

  9. 短弧UHP灯的电极既要能耐大功率密度烧蚀又要有长寿命。

    The electrodes of short arc UHP lamps bear the brunt to combine high power densities with long life .

  10. 能耐,才能他们十分尊重他的才能。vt.刺激;

    eg : They have a great respect for his ability .

  11. PTFE纤维具有优良的耐腐蚀性,低摩擦因数,不燃,能耐强酸、强碱、强氧化剂等强腐蚀性试剂或溶剂,耐高、低温性能优良。

    PTFE fiber has good corrosion resistance , low friction factor , nonflame , strong acid and strong alkali resistance , high temperature and low temperature resistance .

  12. 玻璃还具有其它的优势:比塑料更抗磨损,它有一致的的表面沉积在ITO,它能耐很高的温度。这使得ITO可以沉积地很均匀从而能得到一致的电气性能。

    Glass has other advantages : it is more scratch-resistant than plastic , it has a consistent surface upon which to deposit ITO , and it can be heated to very high temperatures .

  13. DPFC耐高温隔热垫块是以PPS树脂为基体,以玻璃纤维等为增强材料制得的复合构件,它既能耐220℃以上的高温,又兼有隔热、承压性能。

    High temperature resistant and thermal insulating DPFC pad is a compound component , using PPS resin as base resin and glass fiber as reinforcing material .

  14. 时任美国总统的吉米•卡特(JimmyCarter)一开始也看不出当时这个年轻的空军少校会有多大能耐,能搞定这笔F-15战机交易,但不久他就领教了。

    Jimmy Carter , then US president , could not see at first how a young air force major would be effective in securing the F-15s deal , but soon understood .

  15. 结果表明,GDMP有较好的化学稳定性,且能耐较高温度,可作为高温循环水的处理药剂。

    Results show that GDMP can be used as treatment agent in high temperature cycle water .

  16. 采用先进的浮动电源供电方式,能耐600V的高压。该电路可以应用在高频开关电源、高频电子镇流器中。

    Using advanced floating power supply means , it can bear high voltage of 600V . The circuit can be applied to high-frequency switching power supply and high-frequency electronic ballast .

  17. 英国约克大学新型农业产品中心的DiannaBowles说,黄花蒿“不是一种能耐恶劣环境的作物”,特别是在某些地理区域。

    Dianna Bowles of the Centre for Novel Agricultural Products at the UK-based University of York , said that A.annua " is not a robust crop ", particularly in certain geographic locations .

  18. 别求她帮忙。她没那个能耐。

    Don 't ask her to help . she 's useless .

  19. 他们本有能耐害人却没有害人的心,

    They that have power to hurt and will do none ,

  20. 照这帮家伙的能耐没有一件事能吓得了我的。

    There was nothing these creatures could do that scared me .

  21. 能耐高温的合金薄膜压力传感器和变送器

    High Temperature Resistant Pressure Sensor and Transducer with Alloy Thin Film

  22. ‘这不堪忍受的心痛超出了我的能耐’

    " This unbearable ache is more than I can endure "

  23. 我没有这么大能耐解除诅咒。

    It is not in my power to lift the curse .

  24. 他只是还不知道我的能耐

    He just doesn 't really get what I can do yet

  25. 你没那个美国时间或是能耐可以跟我斗。

    You don 't have the time or the skill .

  26. 你真有能耐,一个人移动那钢琴。

    It was quit a feat to move that piano by yourself .

  27. 现在我们已经表明自己有多大的能耐。

    Now we have shown what we are capable of .

  28. 太了不起了!我不敢相信你有如此能耐。

    That 's amazing ! I can 't believe you did that .

  29. 他打小就抓鱼,我还不知道他竟有这么大的能耐。

    I didn 't know he could fish this well .

  30. 我们需要能耐高温高压的材料。

    We want such materials as can bear high temperature and pressure .