
  • 网络cholestatic jaundice;Cholestasis jaundice
  1. 与良性胆汁淤积性黄疸相比,血清GGT、ALP在恶性胆汁淤积性黄疸中显著升高,差异有统计学意义(p0.05)。

    Compared with benign cholestatic jaundice , serum GGT , ALP rises significantly in malignant cholestatic jaundice , the difference has statistical significance ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 结果1.胆汁淤积性黄疸分为肝内胆汁淤积(非梗阻性胆汁淤积)和梗阻性胆汁淤积性。

    Cholestatic jaundice is divided into intrahepatic cholestasis ( non-obstructive cholestasis ) and obstructive cholestasis . Intrahepatic cholestasis is commonly in viral hepatitis , drug-induced liver disease and hepatitis cirrhosis .

  3. 目的胆道闭锁(biliaryatresia,BA)是婴儿期引起胆汁淤积性黄疸的一种常见疾病,严重危及婴幼儿生命。

    Biliary atresia is a common cause of the cholestatic jaundice in infancy , serious crisis babies and infants life .

  4. 胆汁淤积性黄疸的血清GGT、ALP显著升高时,应警惕恶性肿瘤的可能。

    When serum GGT and ALP were significantly increased of cholestatic jaundice , we should alert the possibility of malignant tumor .

  5. 三种中药方剂对犬试验性肝内胆汁淤积性黄疸的影响

    Effects of Chinese Herbal Formula on Experimental Intrahepatic Cholestasis Jaundice in Pekingeses

  6. 黄疸按照病因分为溶血性黄疸、肝细胞性黄疸、胆汁淤积性黄疸和先天性黄疸。

    It divides into the hemolytic jaundice , the liver cell jaundice , the bile siltation jaundice and the congenital jaundice according to the cause of disease .

  7. 阻塞性黄疸是指肝外胆道完全或不完全梗阻时,胆汁排泄受阻,而使血清内结合胆红素浓度增高,使巩膜、皮肤、黏膜、体液和其他组织被染成黄色,属于胆汁淤积性黄疸。

    Obstructive jaundice refers to when the bile ducts outside liver are blocked , the concentration of conjugated bilirubin in serum increases due to cholestasis .