
  • 网络Indocyanine green;ICG;indocyanine green,ICG
  1. 国产吲哚菁绿前囊膜染色对兔角膜内皮活性的影响

    Effect of Capsule Staining on the Rabbit 's Corneal Endothelium Activity with Domestic ICG

  2. 目的探讨活动性眼弓形虫病(OT)的临床表现及眼底荧光血管造影(FFA)和吲哚菁绿血管造影(ICGA)的同步检查图像特征。

    Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations and characteristics of active ocular toxoplasmosis ( OT ) by simultaneous examination of fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) and indocyanine green angiography ( ICGA ) .

  3. 术前常规用Child分级及吲哚菁绿排泄试验准确评估肝储备功能。

    Preoperative using Child classification and Indocyanine Green discharge test evaluated liver function reserves accurately .

  4. 目的:评价吲哚菁绿(ICG)晶状体前囊染色方法的安全性和有效性。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of indocyanine green ( ICG ) in staining rabbit 's anterior lens capsule .

  5. 目的:(1)、评价脉搏染料光密度法吲哚菁绿试验(PDD-ICG)评估肝储备功能的效力;

    Object ( 1 ) To evaluate the effect of PDD-ICG test on assessing hepatic function reserve .

  6. 当然上述设想还需进一步临床大量病例对照研究。然而目前术中应用吲哚菁绿近红外光成像系统探寻NSCLC前哨淋巴结的报道尚少,本研究效果尚待进一步大宗病例对照研究。

    Comparative study of course mentioned above need further many clinical cases . However , the application of indocyanine green fluorescence imaging system to explore NSCLC sentinel lymph node is less reported , bulk cases control study its effect remains to be further evaluation .

  7. 联合测定吲哚菁绿和D-山梨醇评价肝储备功能

    Evaluating liver functional reserve by combining D-sorbitol with indocyanine green measurement

  8. 吲哚菁绿荧光血管造影在前交通动脉瘤夹闭术中的应用

    Application of Intraoperative Indocyanine Green Angiography during Anterior Communicating Aneurysm Surgery

  9. 正常人黄斑部吲哚菁绿眼底血管造影的形态特征

    Characteristics of indocyanine green angiography in macula of healthy volunteers

  10. 吲哚菁绿晶状体前囊染色的实验研究

    The Experimental Study on Anterior Lens Capsule Staining with Indocyanine Green in Rabbits

  11. 眼球钝挫伤吲哚菁绿血管造影图像的观察

    The observation of the cases with contused wound eyeball in indocyanine green angiography

  12. 吲哚菁绿造影技术对眼底疾病的诊断有很大的作用。

    Indocyanine green fluorescein angiography plays an important role in fundus oculi diseases diagnosis .

  13. 吲哚菁绿在眼科的应用

    Ophthalmological applications of indocyanine green

  14. 吲哚菁绿的合成

    Synthesis of Indocyanine Green

  15. 为了眼底荧光血管造影、吲哚菁绿血管造影(FFA.ICGA)同步激光扫描的需要,我们观察了国产荧光素钠与吲哚菁绿造影剂混合应用对血压、脉搏的影响。

    Purpose : In order to do FFA and ICGA simultaneously , a study was made to learn the influence of mixed domestic dye ( fluorescein and ICG ) on both blood pressure and pulsation .

  16. 为探讨寒冷损伤对新生儿发病机理,采用新生犬作为动物模型,用吲哚花菁绿颜料稀释法测定冷伤时的血容量。

    To investigate the effects of cold injury on circulating blood volume in newborn dogs , the authors measured the circulating blood volume in 7 newborn dogs during hypothermia using indocyanine green dilution method .

  17. 目的:通过对荧光素钠、吲哚青绿及荧光素钠加吲哚青绿三种药物眼底血管造影副作用的观察及分析,为完善配合造影时的护理干预措施,提供依据。吲哚菁绿眼底血管造影操作与护理配合

    Objective : To investigate complications of fundus angiography with sodium fluorescein , indocyanine green and both of them . Nursing Care of Patients Receiving Indocyanine Green Angiography of the Fundus