
  • 网络HEIGHT;Shoulder Height
  1. 那里的走廊从地面到齐肩高的部分都漆成棕褐色。

    The corridors there were painted chocolate-brown to shoulder height

  2. 把你的手慢慢举至齐肩高。

    Bring your hands slowly up to shoulder height .

  3. 钻杆工具接头的抗扭强度普遍低于管体,为满足使用需要,考虑选择非API双台肩高抗扭矩接头。

    The torsional strength of the drill stem tool joint is generally lower than that of the pipe body thereof .

  4. 体重应该与肩高相称,且整体显得匀称。

    Weight should be in proportion to height and overall balance .

  5. 身体的比例是长度略大于肩高。

    The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers .

  6. 最低肩高标准不适用与幼犬。

    The minimum limits do not apply to puppies .

  7. 一个明显很优秀的卷毛寻猎犬,如果低于肩高下限,决不能仅仅因为尺寸问题被处罚。

    A clearly superior Curly falling outside of this range should not be penalized because of size .

  8. 甲状腺手术前头低肩高体位练习时间的研究

    Study on the time of exercising in low head and high shoulder body posture before operation with thyroid gland

  9. 猛犸肩高5米,长着长牙,圆圆的头颅高高耸起。

    With large tusks and a high rounded head , mammoths were up to 5 meters tall at the shoulder .

  10. 左岸坝肩高边坡开挖后形成的局部不稳定块体较少,共有9个不稳定块体需要进行处理;

    The local unstable block of the left bank abutment high slope is few . There are about 9 instable packet .

  11. 女生里与测量成绩相关性显著的有俯姿肩峰高,坐姿峰肩高,弯曲角度。

    Girls measurement results and a significant correlation between prone position acromion high , peak sitting shoulder height , bending angle .

  12. 身体的比例略微背离正方形比例,这意味着从前胸到臀部的距离略大于肩高。

    The body proportions are slightly off square , meaning that the dog is slightly longer from prosternum to buttocks as he is from withers to ground .

  13. 头等舱中的12个套间,每一间都是私密的隔间,有大约齐肩高的拉门和织布屏风。

    Each of the 12 Suites in first class is a private compartment with sliding doors , reaching up to about shoulder height , and fabric screens .

  14. 这会让他十分痛苦,还会导致右肩比左肩高,但莎士比亚的《理查三世》中描述的枯萎的手臂却无从证实。

    It may have been painful and caused his right shoulder to appear higher than his left , but there was no evidence of the withered arm depicted in Shakespeare 's Richard III.

  15. 结论甲状腺手术前采取每次30-60min,每天4次的头低肩高体位练习,有利于病人接受体位练习;

    Conclusion The patients with thyroid gland operation are adopted each time for 30 to 60 minutes before operation , practicing low head and high shoulder body posture 4 times a day .

  16. 但在挺举时,运动员将本铃提到肩高,短暂保持,然后用胳膊快速地把杠铃举过头项。

    But in the clean and jerk , the barbell is raised to the shoulder height , held there briefly , and then pushed overhead in a rapid motion of the arms .

  17. 肩高(从马肩隆最高点到地面的垂直距离)等于体长(从前胸到大腿的水平距离)。

    The height , measured vertically from the ground to the highest point of the withers , equalling the length measured horizontally from the forechest to the rear projection of the upper thigh .

  18. 在深入调查左岸坝肩高边坡地质环境条件的基础上,研究了左岸坝肩边坡岩体结构面空间展布及结构特征,并得出了这些结构面物理力学参数;

    On the basis of inquiry thorough geologic environment , research structural plane spacial distribute and architectural feature of the left bank abutment high slope , give physical and mechanics parameter of this structural plane .

  19. 她深知自己此时的角色的意义,举步登上一段木梯,站到齐肩高的台上,展示在围观人群的众目睽睽之前。

    Knowing well her part , she ascended a flight of wooden steps , and was thus displayed to the surrounding multitude , at about the height of a man 's shoulders above the street .

  20. 这种动物外形怪异,身长8英尺(2.5米),肩高5英尺(1.5米),主要分布在刚果民主共和国东北部浓密的热带雨林中。

    The strange-looking animal , which is about 8 feet ( 2.5 meters ) long and stands about 5 feet ( 1.5 meters ) tall from hoof to shoulder , lives in the dense tropical rain forests of northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo .

  21. 手持重物,手掌向上,手臂侧平举与肩同高,肘部伸直。

    Hold weights in hands , palms upward , arms at sides at shoulder level , elbows straight .

  22. 他应该被拴在最高的那根围栏上,那根围栏比他的肩隆高了几英寸。

    He should be tied to the top rail , which is a few inches higher than his withers .

  23. 通过综合分析论证,提出了坝肩槽高边坡的加固处理方案并进行了作用效果研究;

    Through comprehensive analysis and demonstration , reinforcement measurements are put forward for the high slop and their working effectiveness is studied .

  24. 合适的枕头高度应当平躺时与拳头等高,侧卧时与肩等高,并且应呈弧形将颈部支撑住。

    Appropriate pillow height ought to wait with fist when lie low tall , when side lies , wait with the shoulder tall , and should show arc will cervical prop up .

  25. 锦屏水电站地应力场回归分析与坝肩槽开挖高边坡稳定性三维非线性有限元分析

    Analysis of Initial Stress Field Regression and Excavating Abutment High Slope Using Three-dimensional Nonlinear Finite Element Method on Jinping

  26. 拱坝坝肩稳定是目前高拱坝设计中的一个重要而复杂的问题。

    The analysis of stability of the arch dam abutments is important and complicated .

  27. 结论浮肩损伤多由高能量直接暴力所致,常伴有合并损伤。

    Conclusions FSI is often caused by direct high-energy violence and has a high incidence of serious associated injuries .

  28. 尽管海丝特白兰那女性的想象力竭力想摆脱他的形象,但那学者和隐士的身影还是出现了:他略带畸形,左肩比右肩稍高。

    This figure of tile study and the cloister , as Hester prynne 's womanly fancy failed not to recall , was slightly deformed , with the left shoulder a trifle higher than the right .

  29. 他的一个肩比另一个肩略高一点。

    He has one shoulder a little higher than the other .

  30. 而在肩关节流行病学的调查中,肩袖的创伤高达60%以上。

    Joint structure is fragile ; Damage more opportunities . Andin the shoulder of the epidemiology of investigation , rotator cuff trauma is as high as60 % above .