
  • 网络obesity
  1. 此次展览是由佛罗里达蓝十字会(FloridaBlue)和安盛蓝十字蓝盾公司(AnthemBlueCrossBlueShield)赞助的专项计划,主要针对儿童肥胖问题。

    The exhibit , which was specifically oriented towards fighting childhood obesity , was a project sponsored by Florida blue and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield .

  2. PHE一贯表示,只靠简单的教育信息不足以应对肥胖问题。

    PHE has consistently said that simple education messages alone are not enough to tackle obesity .

  3. 大卫-索哈姆博士组织了此次研究,研究成果发表在《PLoSONE》杂志上。他认为这有助于他们更好地治疗青少年肥胖问题。

    Dr David Shoham , who led the study , said their findings , published in the journal PLoS ONE , could help them develop better interventions to treat obesity in teenagers .

  4. 此后,作为国家疾病预防控制中心(CDC)主任的弗里登,一直支持重新关注肥胖问题。

    Dr Frieden has since championed a fresh emphasis on the topic as head of the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

  5. “体重过重和肥胖问题的真正严重程度令人惊讶,”世卫组织主管非传染病和精神卫生助理总干事CatherineLeGalèsCamus博士说。

    " The sheer magnitude of the overweight and obesity problem is staggering ," said Dr Catherine Le-Gal è s Camus , WHO Assistant Director-General of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health .

  6. Sleeploss,airconditioningmakeusfat想苗条?多睡觉,免空调本周二公布的一项调查显示:美国人不能把肥胖问题完全归咎于快餐饮食和长时间看电视。

    a number of aspects of modern living -- from lack of sleep to exposure to living with air conditioning -- may be feeding Americans ' weight woes . Fast food meals and TV time shouldn 't take all the blame for the U.S.obesityproblem , according to a research review published Tuesday .

  7. 中国学龄儿童腰围适宜界值点的研究已有报道,但是以中国肥胖问题工作组制定的儿童BMI标准为基准,探讨中国儿童腰围界值点的研究仍然没有。

    Chinese school-age children Waist appropriate cutoff point has been reported . But there still be not to have research for Chinese children waist cutoff point with BMI of China Obesity Task Group to develop standards as a benchmark .

  8. “这是一项在动物治疗中受到欢迎的有益补充,因为狗类的肥胖问题看起来在不断增加。”StephenSundlof,FDA兽医医学中心主任说。

    ' This is a welcome addition to animal therapies , because dog obesity appears to be increasing , 'said Stephen Sundlof , director of the FDA 's Center for Veterinary Medicine .

  9. 但纽约市饮料协会(nycbeverageassociation)发言人斯特凡弗里德曼(stefanfriedman)却表示:“纽约市靠攻击碳酸饮料解决不了肥胖问题,因为碳酸饮料并不提高肥胖率。”

    However , Stefan Friedman , spokesman for the New York City Beverage Association , said : " the city is not going to address the obesity issue by attacking soda because soda is not driving the obesity rates . "

  10. 肥胖问题,尤其是儿童肥胖,日益严重。

    Obesity is a growing problem , particularly for children .

  11. 美国的肥胖问题已得到充分的证实。

    The obesity problem in the US is well documented .

  12. 但好消息是,肥胖问题是完全可以解决的。

    But the good news is that obesity is entirely reversible . '

  13. 可否视其为解决肥胖问题和燃料危机的妙方呢?

    A way to solve the obesity epidemic and the fuel crisis ?

  14. 琼斯太太说她的肥胖问题始于青少年时期。

    Mrs Jones said her own weight problems began as a teenager .

  15. 然而,应对肥胖问题的进展极其有限。

    Yet progress in tackling obesity has been extremely limited .

  16. 这是一项全国性运动旨在解决儿童肥胖问题

    a national campaign to tackle the challenge of childhood obesity

  17. 我们认为这项规定会对肥胖问题带来很大改善。

    And we expect this will have a huge impact on obesity .

  18. 肥胖问题是严重影响人类生活的现代疾病。

    Obesity matter is a modern disease that severity infects human 's life .

  19. 结论目前上海市学生营养不良和肥胖问题并存。

    Conclusion The problem of both malnutrition and obesity in Shanghai students exists .

  20. 想解决国民的肥胖问题,就和麦当劳(McDonald's)之类的企业讨论一下。

    Obesity is a problem to be discussed with the likes of McDonald 's.

  21. 研究者们说着也可以解释全球激增的肥胖问题。

    The researchers said this could help explain the burgeoning global obesity epidemic .

  22. 三分之二的成人与15%的孩童有肥胖问题。

    Two-thirds of adults and 15 percent of kids .

  23. 中国的肥胖问题更多发生在年轻人身上,而不是老年人。

    Obesity in China is suffered more by the young than the old .

  24. 在世界各地,肥胖问题日趋严重。

    Obesity is a growing problem around the world .

  25. 我才不会担心体重和肥胖问题。

    I 'm not going to worry about my weight or body fat .

  26. 关于能量代谢与肥胖问题的探讨

    The Discussion Between Energy Metabolize and Fatness Problem

  27. 肥胖问题在今日非常的流行。

    Now there is an epidemic of obesity .

  28. 本研究揭示了当前肥胖问题不为人知的一面。

    The study appears as the cover story of the current issue of Obesity .

  29. 这种规模的肥胖问题,导致各种疾病发病率明显上升,同时也直接影响到医疗保健。

    Obesity on this scale causes major increases in diseases , and directly affects healthcare .

  30. 据说有三分之一的狗和四分之一的猫都有肥胖问题。

    Around one in three dogs and one in four cats are said to be overweight .