
  • 网络skin type;skin texture
  1. 只要选择适合自己肤质的护肤品就好。

    You just have to be using the appropriate products for your skin type .

  2. 如果你是偏油性皮肤,那就咨询一下美容顾问或者皮肤科医生,他们会根据你的肤质,推荐合适的乳液。

    If you 're prone to breakouts , talk to an aesthetician or dermatologist who can recommend a cream that 's right for your skin type .

  3. 她肤色苍白,肤质细腻如蜡。

    Her skin is pale , the texture of fine wax .

  4. 底妆让你的肤色和肤质均匀。

    Foundation make-up evens out your skin tone and texture .

  5. 接下来,你便可以选择适合自己肤质的护肤品。

    Then , you can choose appropriate skin-care products .

  6. 保湿、美白,平衡肌肤PH值,改善肤质,均衡皮肤水分和养分。

    Keeping damp , whitening , Equilibrium of skin and muscle PH value , Improving skin character , Poising skin water and nutrition .

  7. 结论强脉冲光联合调Q激光治疗雀斑的安全有效,同时能改善肤质。

    Conclusion of intense pulsed light laser therapy Q-co-freckled safe and effective at the same time can improve skin texture .

  8. Richard等报道射频技术具有祛皱、改善皮肤松弛和老化、改善肤质等效果,刘丽红等对射频技术已进行了较为全面的阐述。

    Richard et al reported that radio frequency technology can smooth wrinkle , improve skin laxity , aging , improve skin texture and other effects . Radio frequency technology had been carried out more comprehensive exposition by Hong Liu et al .

  9. 植物黄金体P.G.B调理系统,持续改善粗糙暗哑肤质,使肌肤新生白皙。

    P.G.B.conditioning system can improve the roughness and dullness of the skin and make it white just like newly born .

  10. 选择自己肤质合适的产品,后续保养也要做足。

    Follow up with products that work for your skin type .

  11. 你信任一台电脑来评价你的肤质吗?

    Would you trust a computer to rate your skin ?

  12. 但是,这也可能对敏感肤质造成损伤。

    But this may not be good for sensitive skins .

  13. 性质温和,适合任何肤质使用。

    Being mild , it is applicable for any skin .

  14. 人参或绿茶面膜能帮助敏感肤质的你保持肌肤细腻。

    Ginseng or green tea masks are great for soothing sensitive skin .

  15. 绵软的肤质,红色的嘴唇,诱人亲嘴。

    Soft skin , red lips , so kissable .

  16. 我建议你选择深棕色,这适合你橄榄色的肤质。

    I suggest you chose deeper-brown color to suit your olive tone skin .

  17. 马克:是的,每个人的肤质和发质都是不一样的。

    Mark : Yeah , each person 's skin and hair is different .

  18. 模特用光洁的额头和柔和的唇来突出她们干净的肤质。

    Models accented their clean skin with a bold brow and muted lip .

  19. 而且它还会遗留在角质层中,加剧对肤质的刺激。

    And it also can remain in the stratum corneum , exacerbating irritation .

  20. 不建议敏感性及干性肤质者使用。

    Not recommended for sensitive and dry skin .

  21. 适合各种肤质使用,尤其适合粗糙有色素的皮肤。

    It is suitable for various skin types , especially suitable for dry skin .

  22. 适用人群:中干性肤质以及各类型缺水肌肤。

    Suitable crowd : Dry , normal and all kinds of lack water skin .

  23. 一般肤质,特别适用敏感性,暗沈和松弛皮肤。

    Suitable for all skin types , especially sensitive , dull and unfirm skin .

  24. 即时舒缓调理肤质,促进营养成分的渗透吸收。

    Instantly relieve and regularize skin , promote the penetration and absorption of nutrition .

  25. 适用:任何肤质,尤其是多皱老化肌肤。

    Availability : Applicable for any skin , particularly for wrinkles and ageing skin .

  26. 皮里昂医生提醒痘痘肤质的人不要使用含油类的化妆品。

    But oils are not recommended for anyone with acne , cautions Dr. Piliang .

  27. 适用人群:中油性肤质、毛孔粗大肌肤、有黑头肌肤。

    Suitable crowd : Normal and oil skin , big pore skin , black pore skin .

  28. 加里曼医生表示,有些粉底能够帮助改善肤质。

    There are foundations out there that can actually help your skin , says Dr. Jaliman .

  29. 促进一个完美的肌肤肤质。

    Promotes a perfectly flawless complexion .

  30. 这个崭新的技术能创造杰出的肤质感乳液配方。

    It is also possible to create emulsions with outstanding skin feel using this brand new technology .