
  • 网络issue price
  1. IPO抑价指股票发行价格显著低于新股上市首日的收盘价格,因此认购新股的投资者能够通过一二级市场的价差获得超额收益。

    IPO underpricing refers to the stock issue price significantly lower than the IPO first day closing price , investors can subscribe for new shares through a secondary market spreads for excess income .

  2. 提高股票发行价格,降低股票融资成本,提高股票融资效率;

    Increasing the stock issue price , reducing the stock financing cost , enhancing the stock financingefficiency ;

  3. 在IPO的整个环节中,定价是最核心的问题,IPO定价是否合理决定着股票发行价格是否能体现其真实价值。

    In the course of IPO , pricing is the core sector . Whether the offer price reflects the real value depends on whether the IPO price is reasonable .

  4. 出于获取发行上市资格,操纵股票发行价格等目的,企业在IPO市场中具有盈余管理的动机,这不仅对投资者利益造成损害,也影响着资本的有效配置。

    For the purpose of qualifying for offering and listing and manipulating issue price , enterprises possess the motivation of earnings management in IPO market , which not only harms the interests of investors , but also affects the efficiency allocation of capital .

  5. 以超过票面金额为股票发行价格的,须经国务院证券管理部门批准。

    Share certificates with an issue price above par value must be approved by the securities administration departments of the State Council .

  6. 自我国证券市场建立以来,股票发行价格的确定就一直是规范和争论的焦点。

    How to give the price of stock-publishing has been a key problem to discuss , since stock market was established in China .

  7. 对此,应当完善有关的法律、法规,增加关于股票发行价格的更加合理、具体的规定。

    Therefore , the relative laws and regulations should be further perfected , increasing the rational and concrete provisions on the issue price of stock .

  8. 我国的法律虽然有关于股票发行价格的规定,但却不全面、不合理。

    The regulations on the issue price of stock , although stipulated in relative laws of our country , are yet less sound and reasonable .

  9. 政策建议,按股票发行价格折合非流通股东的持股数量,是实现全流通的有效路径。

    The policy suggests that the effective way to operate interest circulating is to converse capital shares appointment of non-circulation stockholders according to stock issue price .

  10. 股票发行价格的形成过程受到市场参与者、监管机构和理论界的高度关注,也反映了整个市场的成熟和规范的程度。

    The participants to market , supervising institution and theory researchers paid more attention to the process of IPO Pricing , which reflects how the whole market is mature and regular .

  11. IPO折价是指股票的发行价格低于上市首日价格,从而产生正的初始回报的现象。

    IPO ( Initial public offerings ) underpricing refers to the phenomenon that the issue price is lower than the first-day market closing price , which brings the positive initial returns .

  12. IPO抑价现象是指股票的发行价格低于上市首日收盘价格,使认购IPO股票的投资者能够获得超常的收益率。

    IPO underpricing means the issue price of a stock lower than its closing price listed on the first day , thus investors to subscribe for IPO shares obtain extraordinary returns .

  13. 如果股票发行的价格是根据市场需求来制定的,那么就不应该存在抑价问题。

    Obviously , IPO underpricing is contradict to the efficient market hypothesis ( EMH ) . If the issuing price is based on market needs , underpricing should not existed .

  14. 如果公司以低于面值的价格发行股票,发行价格与面值的差额需借记股本折价账户。

    If a corporation for less than par issues stock , the account Discount on Capital Stock should be debited for the difference between the issuance price and the par value .

  15. 中国第二大电子商务公司京东已开始在香港进行二次IPO股票发行,发行价格每股不超过236港元,或略高于30美元。

    China 's second-largest e-commerce company JD , com has started stock offering of its secondary IPO in Hong Kong , with a price of no more than 236 Hong Kong dollars , or just over 30 U.S. dollars per share .

  16. 知情人士表示,忠旺股票发行价的价格区间至多是2009年预计利润的13.5倍。

    The price range values the company at up to 13.5 times forecast 2009 profit , according to people familiar with the matter .

  17. 股票发行数量、价格、时机选择及股利分配不当是造成股票筹资风险的因素。

    Those , amount and price of stock , its selection of time , improper distrubition of stock dividend , are factors which cause stock financing risk .

  18. 如何依据我国股票市场的实际情况,科学合理地确定股票的发行价格即股票的发行市盈率,一直是困扰着券商和上市公司的一大难题。

    It has been a difficult problem nagging securities dealers and listed companies how to scientifically and rationally set the issuance price of stock , that is , the issuance price - earnings ratio , in line with the actual conditions of China .

  19. 那些股票索价高于面值。在发行有面值的股票时,不管发行价格高于或低于票面值,按发行股份的票面值贷记股本账户。

    When par value stock is issued , the Capital Stock account is credited with the par value of the shares issued , regardless of whether the issuance price is more or less than par .

  20. 在涉及股票发行定价方面,创造性地提出了“管理溢价系数定价法”,解决了以往股份公司股票发行价格虚高的现象。

    As far as stock issue and price fixing are concerned , it creatively offers the method of ratio pricing of premium on management and settles the problem of high price stockdistribution .